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Laboratory Water Use vs. Office Water Use

As part of its "whole building" approach to facilities management, EPA promotes water efficiency at its laboratories and office buildings. Water efficiency can be addressed through sanitary water use, lab process water, landscape irrigation, reverse osmosis/deionized water production, boiler feed water, and water for cooling. EPA continually reviews its facilities' water use and looks for ways to conserve water and reduce utility costs. The Agency has conducted in-depth water management assessments and has developed or is developing formal Water Management Plans for all of its reporting facilities.

Typical Laboratory Water Use

The following chart illustrates the water consumption in a "typical" laboratory. Refer to the Greening EPA Glossary for term definitions.

Pie chart of typical lab waste use. Follow link below for text version.

Typical Office Water Use

The following chart illustrates the water consumption in a "typical" office building.

Pie chart of typical lab water use. Follow link below for text version.

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