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Community Involvement: Advisory Boards and Public Forums

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Stakeholder Involvement

Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee (FFERDC)

Community Involvement: Advisory Boards and Public Forums

Environmental Justice

Tribal Program

More Community Involvement Links:

Superfund Community Resources

Superfund NPL Site Public Comment Process

Advisory Boards and Community Groups are key elements in FFRRO's Community Involvement activities. FFRRO works with DoD and DOE and their respective stakeholders at the local level by providing technical and regulatory input at advisory board meetings, and at the national level by developing policies for establishing and maintaining advisory boards.

Restoration Advisory Boards (RABs):
RABs provide a forum through which members of nearby communities can provide input to the Departments of Defense's (DoD's) environmental restoration program. RAB's are being established at operating installations, closing or realigning installations, and formerly used defense sites where there is sufficient and sustained community interest.

Department Of Defense RAB Program Homepage
Department of Defense RAB Directory

Site-Specific Advisory Boards (SSABs):
Site-specific advisory boards were developed to involve stakeholders more directly in DOE cleanup decisions. While only 1 Federal Advisory Committee Act-chartered Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB) exists, 10 local site boards chartered under the EM SSAB umbrella charter have been organized at the following DOE sites: Fernald, Hanford, Idaho, Los Alamos, Nevada, Oak Ridge, Pantex, Paducah, Rocky Flats, and Savannah River.

Department Of Energy SSAB Program Home Page

Community Advisory Groups (CAGs)
A Superfund Community Advisory Group (CAG) is made up of members of the community and is designed to serve as the focal point for the exchange of information among the local community and EPA, the State regulatory agency, and other pertinent Federal agencies involved in cleanup of the Superfund site.

Superfund Community Involvement

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Web page maintained by Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office
Comments: comments_ffrro@epa.gov

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