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Accurate readings needed to assess power factor

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Accurate readings needed to assess power factor

Editor's note: The Energy Services Bulletin features real answers to real questions posed to our staff at the Energy Services Power Line. We hope you find it useful.

How will power factor affect metering in a distribution system? Will a poor power factor increase line loss?

The answer to your first question is slightly different depending whether you are referring to the displacement power factor or the true power factor. The displacement power factor equals the cosine of the phase angle between the voltage wave and the current wave. The true power factor is the ratio of the true RMS real power to the true RMS apparent power, i.e. kW/kVA.

Both methods give exactly the same power factor if no harmonics are present. But if significant harmonics occur in either the voltage or current, the true power factor is lower. Fluorescent lights, electronic adjustable speed drives on motors, and/or lots of computers or other electronic devices may cause high-current harmonics in a circuit.
All AC electric meters account for power factor when they register and record real power. Most utility revenue meters only recognize displacement power factor, so they will be accurate only when the real power factor is close to the true power factor. The presence of significant harmonics will tend to cause the power factor to read higher than true power.

To find out if your displacement power factor is different from your true power factor, you can measure both with a high-end power analyzers, such as a Fluke 43B. These analyzers recognize displacement power factor and some will display both true and displacement power factor. If the readings are very different, it is likely that the true power factor is lower than is what your meter is measuring.

Line Losses
The quick answer to your second question is "yes," poor power factor will increase line losses significantly. The table below shows how a poor power factor affects line losses compared to the same real power delivered at a good (i.e. high) power factor.

PF Increase in line losses
100% 0%

90% 23.5%
85% 38.4%
80% 56.2%

70% 104.1%

Clearly, the increased line loss is dramatic. The table is calculated based on a constant resistance of the conductors. Since temperature increases conductor resistance, the actual increase is even greater than shown. The increase in line losses is related to true power factor. If harmonics are present, the metered power factor may understate the true power, so line losses will be higher than your calculation using the power factor the meter measured.

However, to put this in perspective, only losses on the line going from a power panel to a motor or other low power factor device will be affected. Also, line losses tend to be quite a small percentage of total plant energy use—typically in the range of 1 to 2 percent. Thus, increasing line losses by 104 percent means that your losses are going from 1 percent to 2 percent, for instance.

According to the Industrial Power Factor Analysis Guidebook, published by the Bonneville Power Administration, a typical plant can save between 0.5 and 1.5 percent of its total energy use with reduced line losses by correcting power factor. Note that line losses are only reduced when the power factor correction (capacitors) is applied at or near the load.

Usually, the savings in line losses is not enough to justify the cost of correcting power factor, but is an added benefit on top of other reasons for correcting power factor, such as reducing or eliminating a power factor penalty and increasing the load-carrying capacity of the circuit.