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Success Story

Young man says classes and program sparked his enterprising fervor
Business Skills Lead to Success in Life
Photo: Junior Achievement
Photo: Junior Achievement
Batyr Bekiev believes his participation in an economic and business program in school has helped him become a better manager.
“I have learned a lot from the Junior Achievement programs: from economics and business fundamentals, to leadership skills, to substantiating my decisions,” said program alumnus Batyr Bekiev.

Textile store manager Batyr Bekiev credits the USAID-funded Junior Achievement programs for helping him become a successful manager in Turkmenistan. “I’m grateful to Junior Achievement for guiding me in the search for opportunities and decision making,” said Batyr.

Batyr first participated in the program in 1996, as a university freshman in the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute’s Department of Economics. The institute’s school of business was offering elective courses in market economics and business development. Batyr eagerly grabbed this opportunity and soon became so interested that he cofounded JA Turkmenistan.

According to Batyr, participating in the program proved useful when he was drafted for mandatory military service upon graduation. Batyr’s leadership abilities led to his appointment as an assistant to the chief of headquarters staff during his first year of service. After he completed his service in the army, the principles acquired through the programs – leadership, creativity and outstanding performance – continued to guide Batyr through his job search and career development.

Batyr found a job as a contract specialist at the export department of the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Textile Enterprise. Before long, his innovative ideas and skillful advancement of the company’s business earned the young specialist a position of textile store manager.

The programs by Junior Achievement, which USAID launched in Turkmenistan in 1995, teach young people applied economics and entrepreneurship skills. Theoretical concepts are enriched by the experience of organizing and operating a “student company” and by computer management simulations. Students examine the economic system, explore business operations, study the emerging global economy and acquire knowledge and skills necessary to function as competent citizens, workers and consumers.

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