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Success Story

Thanks to trade fair, firm will supply furniture to school in Afghanistan
Building Connections Across Borders
Photo: EDP
Photo: EDP
By participating in the Rebuild Afghanistan Trade Fair in Kabul, Doro LLC received exposure and contacts that proved valuable later on.
A USAID enterprise development program helps Tajik firms such as Doro improve their competitiveness and locate new markets.

Doro LLC is a well-known retailer in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, that specializes in office equipment and computers, furniture, mobile phones, and other electronic goods. They also own a subsidiary company, Art Echo, that manufactures school and office furniture.

Art Echo participated in a USAID enterprise development program and received assistance in developing its strategic action. When the program invited Doro to join the regional trade delegation to the Rebuild Afghanistan Trade Fair in Kabul, Doro’s main goal was to promote its Art Echo line of furniture for export. Although the company did not sign any contracts at the exhibition itself, they made many contacts with companies that were interested in Doro’s high quality yet inexpensive furniture. Doro also left samples of their furniture with an economic relations officer at the Tajik Embassy in Afghanistan.

This proved to be a wise move for Doro. Shortly after the fair, an Afghan company, Koofab Ltd., contacted Doro’s director, Abduahad Ashurov, about purchasing 400 sets of desks and chairs for a middle school in Rushon, in northeast Afghanistan’s mountainous Badakshan Region bordering Tajikistan. The region is particularly underdeveloped, so this furniture will have a great impact on the school’s 800 pupils. Art Echo signed a contract to sell the 400 sets of school furniture to Koofab, and Doro and Koofab are now preparing a partnership agreement for future school rehabilitation projects in Afghanistan.

Participation in the Rebuild Afghanistan Exhibition was an excellent investment for Doro. They found an additional market for their furniture and have formed a partnership with an Afghan company. They are also helping Afghan children prepare for the future by providing furniture that will significantly improve the conditions in Afghan schools.

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