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Success Story

Upgraded and renovated facilities give students a better place to study
Building a Future for Nepal’s Nurses
Photo: PAS US Embassy
Photo: PAS US Embassy
Students from around the country boarding at Lalitpur Nursing Campus, one of Nepal’s oldest nursing schools, can focus more on studies after USAID helped renovate the school’s buildings.
“We assure you that we will try our best to protect [and] utilize the resource and make it appreciable by our good deeds as nurses. We will make USAID feel proud of its contribution,” said a student at the Lalitpur Nursing Campus.

When Nepal first opened its doors to the outside world in the early 1950s, it had no professional nurses. The school now named Lalitpur Nursing Campus began teaching Nepal’s first nurses in 1956, and today offers students a nursing certificate program and a post-basic bachelor of nursing program.

Accredited by the Nepal Nursing Council, Lalitpur has trained more than 700 professional nurses. Importantly, because the school offers dormitories, girls from all over the country have access to this education. Graduates of Lalitpur are working in health care settings all over Nepal, where many hold leadership positions in government and the private sector.

But faced with an increasingly difficult political and economic climate in the country, the school began to face resources problems in the 1990s, and by 2000, it was in disrepair. USAID helped upgrade, equip and enhance the physical facilities at Lalitpur to enable continued high-quality professional nursing education and training. The renovations allowed the school to continue operating, and gave students the chance to incorporate advanced American practices and medical technology that will positively influence health care in Nepal.

One student, who is from a remote part of Nepal and lives on-campus, said, “The renovated building can accommodate students from various parts of the nation, who benefit from all the required facilities, security, comfort and peace, which will definitely improve the standard of training and overall nursing education. We assure you that we will try our best to protect [and] utilize the resource and make it appreciable by our good deeds as nurses. We will make USAID feel proud of its contribution.”

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