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Success Story

Conference networks practitioners of business development services
Best Practices Build Business Services

With USAID assistance, small Jordanian tech firms like AlliedSoft have been able to more effectively compete regionally and internationally.
Photo: USAID/Rizq
After hearing from international experts, local participants applied the information to the Jordanian context.

"The conference was able to move the industry from theory to practice through the training and pave the way for a new vision in the sector," said Jamal Badran, chairman of the Jordan Society for Quality.

The challenges of running small enterprises are the same around the world: securing finance, acquiring know-how and gaining access to markets. The business development services industry has recently emerged to create solutions to non-financial constraints. It's a burgeoning field, and just as Jordan has become a regional leader in microfinance, it is on its way to becoming a leader in market-driven business development services.

Recognizing the potential of Jordan's small businesses, USAID organized Business Development Services Conference 2005, the first of its kind held in Jordan. Featuring an extraordinary lineup of USAID and international experts, the conference helped local practitioners update their knowledge, establish service centers and become familiar with international best practices. It was a first step toward shaping business development services in Jordan and will facilitate the integration of best practices into existing and future programs.

Conference attendees drafted a report that addressed the realities of the industry and set guidelines for action that practitioners can take to develop business development services. The report found that the industry needs to establish quality standards and certifications, acquire expertise from field leaders and expand marketing channels. It also urged practitioners to become more demand-driven and suggested that governments and donors can assist through planning and monitoring. Once realized, these improvements will create more economic opportunities for Jordanians and ensure sustainable economic growth.

"The conference was able to move the industry from theory to practice through the training and pave the way for a new vision in the sector," said Jamal Badran, chairman of the Jordan Society for Quality.

The new, USAID-supported Business Development Services Center in Jordan plans to hold the conference annually, and expand it to include participants from across the region.

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