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Jordanian Executives Earn Accolades

Photo: Hassan Ayoub

In March 2006, Hanan Sboul, left, an executive at the Jordanian Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, was accredited as a Certified Association Executive at a ceremony in Amman, Jordan. She is one of only two business association executives to earn the prestigious credential.

In an effort to help strengthen business and trade associations in Jordan, USAID has been helping association executives receive training and achieve professional certifications that testify to their skills, abilities, and initiative. As part of these efforts, USAID brought a training course designed to help association leaders achieve one of the sector’s most prestigious credentials: Certified Association Executive (CAE).

USAID supported a CAE training course for Jordanian business association executives that ran from May 2004 to December 2005. Fifteen business association executives enrolled in the demanding course. To be designated as a Certified Association Executive, an applicant must have a minimum of three years experience in nonprofit organization management, complete 75 hours of specialized professional development, and pass a challenging examination in association management. Approximately 3,300 association professionals currently hold this credential, which was first awarded in 1961.

Business Associations are organizations that help businesses in specific sectors attain common goals. Associations provide members with tools to effectively, efficiently, and responsibly conduct their business while maintaining high ethical and legal standards. Associations are key to economic development: they create awareness of critical issues, advocate for positive change, and stay on the cutting edge of trends in their respective industries.

“This generation of Jordanian business association executives is considered to be the cornerstone of the local industry,” said Sue Stratton, a CAE instructor. “They are the first to offer such things as effective member-oriented services while implementing international best practices.” This is good news for Jordanian businesses, and even better news for Jordan’s development.

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