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Business association boosts tech firms at home and abroad
Association Advances the Tech Industry

Photo of: ITG president and CEO Walid Tahabsem.
Photo: ITG

"It is not only our voice for communicating with the government, but also our unbiased representative with international investors," says ITG president and CEO Walid Tahabsem.

In May 2000, the Information Technology Association-Jordan — "int@j" — was launched to represent, promote and advance the Jordanian software and technology services industry in the global market. USAID helped int@j develop a five-year strategic plan, provided grants and equipment and trained the association's management and staff.

Today, it is the most dynamic and successful business association in Jordan, claiming more than 125 members and offering a wide range of member services, including public policy advocacy, international promotion and specialized training. int@j is also the private-sector leader of the REACH Initiative, a partnership between business and government that aims to transform Jordan into a regional technology hub and an exporter of technology products and services to the world.

Walid Tahabsem, president and CEO of ITG, a software company and int@j member, says the association has given his and other Jordanian tech firms a real boost, both at home and abroad. "int@j plays a critical role in the industry's development, and does so with the utmost professionalism. It is not only our voice for communicating with the government, but also our unbiased representative with international investors."

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