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Giving Orphans in Iraq a Healthy Life

Photo: Mudafar and his brother Mohammad eat nutritious meals provided by USAID at an oprhanage in Northern Iraq.
USAID/World Food Program

Mudafar and his brother Mohammad eat nutritious meals provided by USAID at an oprhanage in Northern Iraq.

Mudafar aged 12, and his brother Mohammad, age 11, have seen first hand the brutalities of life in impoverished Northern Iraq. These orphaned boys live with forty-three other children at an orphan house. The orphanages in Iraq, which provide schooling up to the age of 18, were established by Iraq’s former government.

The long-term survival of the orphanage, like that of the children who live there, depends on USAID food assistance provided through the World Food Program (WFP) established in 1997. As part of Iraq’s public distribution system, USAID has contributed over $420 million in commodities and cash dispersements during the past three years. The USAID program has contributed to the reduction of chronic malnutrition among children in Northern Iraq to 11%. Mudafar and Mohammad can now eat healthy meals on a regular basis from USAID support.

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