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Clinics in Basrah Restored

Photo:  Dr. Saja Dr. Farouk, administrator of the 11 clinics in the Al Maqal area of Basrah
“The building was looted – computers and even the doors taken. USAID hired Iraqi contractors to fix everything and provide water pipes, electricity, furniture, computers, a refrigerator – everything. We did not pay for any of it”
- Dr. Saja Dr. Farouk, administrator of the 11 clinics in the Al Maqal area of Basrah
Photo: USAID/Ben Barber

USAID saw the damage and offered to spend $18,000 to restore the administrative building and clinic where Dr. Farouk oversees medical care for about a third of a million Iraqis. The electricity was damaged, the windows shattered and all furniture taken. In the clinic next door to her administrative building, a centrifuge provided by USAID is used in the lab for medical tests. USAID in cooperation with the Coalition Provisional Authority has also provided air conditioners and electric generators to two other clinics that were looted in the aftermath of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in April.

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