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Rescuing 1000-Year-Old Mosque from Decay
The Saleh Talai Mosque in historic Islamic Cairo, dating back to the 10th century, is now active, and open for prayers and tourists. This mosque suffered for decades from rising groundwater contaminated with sewage. USAID, as part of its $770 million Cairo Sewerage Program, allocated $2.3 million for lowering the groundwater at the mosque area, replacing the old sewage collector, and providing a healthier environment for people living in the area.

Photo of the El Salah Talai Mosque before renovation


Rising groundwater, contaminated by leaking sewerage system, flooded the lower level shops in the 1000 year old El Salah Talai Mosque for over twenty years. This caused damage to the structure and created a health hazard to the residents and shop owners. The lower level could not be accessed for restoration, or used by the shop owners and visitors.
Photo: Wafaa S. Faltaous


The groundwater was successfully lowered below the floor at the Salah El Talai Mosque and the leaking sewerage system was replaced. The structural elements of the mosque and the shops are now accessible for on-going restoration, prayers and visitors. The environment around the mosque is now safe for the residents.
Photo of the El Salah Talai Mosque after renovation
Photo: Wafaa S. Faltaous

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