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Women Leaders Come Together

First Lady Wendy de Berger (third from left, rear) discussed social and economic development with Guatemala’s representatives to the Global Summit for Women.
Photo: USAID/Liliana Gil

First Lady Wendy de Berger (third from left, rear) discussed social and economic development with Guatemala’s representatives to the Global Summit for Women.

USAID sponsored six women leaders to represent Guatemala at the Global Summit for Women in Mexico City in June 2005. After returning, they requested a meeting with First Lady Wendy de Berger to report on the summit’s objectives for economic and social development in poor, rural communities. The initial meeting was scheduled for a brief 30 minutes, but the discussion was so engaging that it continued for an hour and a half. The First Lady was so taken with the delegation’s observations and suggestions that she asked to attend monthly meetings with them and other women leaders to build alliances that work to improve health, nutrition and education for women and youth and prevent gang-related and domestic violence. President Berger surprised them at their second meeting when he stopped by to check on their progress and encourage them. The First Lady reflected on their discussions, saying, “If we women do it, results will be achieved.” These new relationships are just a small but strong example of USAID’s commitment to partnerships that work.

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