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Injections of Steroids steroids

Many people, even professional athletes and super models, want to improve something about their bodies. Whether it’s steroids or weight loss supplements, drug dealers and drug companies all claim to have the answer to happiness through products that claim to improve our bodies. But they never tell you about the price that you can pay: the cancers, depression, liver damage, acne, balding, or anger that can result. Happiness and athletic success don’t come from a pill or needle, they come from hard work and practice! Learn more>>
Build It Naturally

The simple fact is that as a teen, your body is already running like a well-oiled machine and you have optimal potential to look good and be healthy. Following a solid work-out routine created by a coach or doctor, practicing, and eating and sleeping lots are all you need to excel as an athlete or to improve your body.

Steroids primarily help you bulk up by increasing growth hormone levels like testosterone. But as a teen, you already have all the testosterone and energy that you need to bulk up and reduce body fat! Starting at puberty, your testosterone levels increase rapidly, peak at 20, and stay level until around 401. Nature has already given you everything you need. All you have to do is exercise, eat healthy, and sleep!

Remember, more-and-more high schools and all colleges test their athletes for steroids. Not only will testing positive for steroids cause a student to be banned from sports, it could also cause his/her team to forfeit a game or entire season.

Start Lifting Today
Help a Friend
Think a friend is using steroids? Acne is just one small side effect; suicide is a real threat as well! Learn the signs and how to HELP!
Word Play

Poetry Game
Can't find the words to tell your friend that you are worried about their drug use? Tell him/her in a poem BUILD AND SEND A POEM.

Why people take drugs

Why People Take Drugs?
There are many excuses, but no good reasons to try or take drugs. Learn why.

Did you Know
LSD and PCP can change your brain! More


1 Dr Lisa Corbin of the Center for Integrated Medicine Clinic, University of Colorado Hospital, Denver, CO

Brought to you by the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign
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