Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma combines the principles of two proven process improvement methodologies:  (1) Lean (reducing and eliminating non-value activities); and (2) Six Sigma (reducing variation, increasing quality) to improve process effectiveness and alignment with customer needs.  Lean Six Sigma provides a strategic approach that institutionalizes a culture of continuous process improvement (CPI) focused on increased reliability, improved quality, cycle time reduction, cost savings, and optimized productivity.  The objective of using Lean Six Sigma methodologies is to deliver high quality products and services more efficiently and effectively to GSA customers.

GSA is committed to continuously improving how it serves customers, industry partners, the U.S. taxpayers, and its workforce.  The Office of Performance Improvement (OPI) Lean Six Sigma program provides GSA with a structured CPI framework, including the tools and techniques to identify customer needs, analyze data and requirements, and optimize processes so they support and align with GSA strategic objectives.  In addition, OPI provides Lean Six Sigma / CPI training to GSA personnel, supports the identification of improvement opportunities, and provides mentorship to Lean Six Sigma practitioners across the agency.

Last Reviewed 3/17/2009