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Small Project Assistance/Peace Corps

The Small Project Assistance Program (SPA) is a joint collaboration between USAID and Peace Corps aimed at building the capacity of local communities and organizations to reach shared goals. The program uses the human and technical resources of Peace Corps, along with the financial resources of USAID, to encourage sustainable, effective development projects in sectors ranging from health to agriculture to small enterprise development.

SPA is a grassroots program that allows Peace Corps volunteers to design and carry out their own projects. SPA consists of two complementary components: grants and technical assistance. Together, the two help communities implement small, self-help activities such as improving access to clean, potable water while gaining critical training in building latrines, maintaining water systems and reducing the spread of water-borne diseases.

SPA-sponsored projects focus on developing local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Volunteers help to establish new NGOs, strengthen existing NGOs, and improve services provided to surrounding communities. Participants learn key development skills including program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, integrated planning, and service delivery.

PVC plays a leadership role in managing SPA by encouraging USAID Missions and Offices to participate in the program. Peace Corps volunteers bid for funds allocated by USAID through a proposal process. Nearly any country in which Peace Corps operates is eligible to initiate and participate in an SPA program.

Contact Person:

Adele Liskov, Chief, Private Voluntary Cooperation Division, Office of Development Partners, USAID E-Mail:

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