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Cobleskill-Richmondville Central School

Cobeskill, New York
20% Improvement (2009)
Top Performer (2009)

Cobleskill-Richmondville School District is located in central New York. The district educates more then 2,200 K -12 students in three buildings, totaling approximately 550,000 square feet of floor space. The districts mission is to educate all students to their potential in a secure learning environment that enables and encourages each student to develop the essential skills, knowledge, and attitudes to be a positive, contributing member of our global community. As part of this global commitment, the district partnered with Energy Education, Inc., in 2006 to help increase its energy efficiency and at the same time maintain a safe and comfortable learning environment in the classrooms and throughout the buildings. In 2008, Cobleskill-Richmondville School District joined the ENERGY STAR Challenge and earned the ENERGY STAR for superior energy performance for each of its school buildings. Cobleskill-Richmondville's commitment to conserve energy is a team effort. Everyone, including the Board of Education, administrators, faculty and staff, operations and maintenance, and students, helps save energy.

ENERGY STAR resources and materials have provided ways for the district to teach students, faculty, and staff how to save energy at work and at home, as well as about the environmental benefits that come from energy efficiency. Cobleskill-Richmondville increased its energy efficiency by 28 percent by 2008 compared to its 2006 baseline year. The district has earned ENERGY STAR Leaders recognition for an improvement in energy efficiency of 20 percent as well as Top Performer recognition for achieving an average energy performance rating of 75 or better across its entire portfolio of buildings. In 2008 alone, Cobleskill-Richmondville School District has avoided emissions of more than 400 metric tons of CO2, the equivalent of planting more than 80 acres of trees or the emissions from more than 100 vehicles. Improvements to building envelopes, lighting upgrades, motion sensors, and HVAC controls have improved energy efficiency.