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PVO Registration Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a PVO and a NGO?

As defined by USAID, a private voluntary organization (PVO) is a nongovernmental, not-for-profit entity that is tax exempt and solicits and receives cash contributions from the general public and that is working in or intends to become engaged in international aid and development activities.

The term nongovernmental organization (NGO) encompasses any private or nonprofit organization that is formed or organized independently from a national or local government entity.
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What is the purpose of registration?

Registration serves to—

  • Identify PVOs that engage in or intend to engage in voluntary foreign aid operations
  • Determine whether PVOs meet certain general operating guidelines and accountability standards
  • Certify the eligibility of PVOs to apply for USAID assistance resources, including grants and cooperative agreements
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Who needs to register?

U.S. and international PVOs wishing to become eligible for assistance (grants and cooperative agreements) from USAID.
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Why does my organization need to register?

Only registered PVOs are eligible to compete for development assistance grants and cooperative agreements.
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What documents will we need to complete the registration process?

All new applicants are required to submit the following documents and information:

  • Audited financial statements (Statements must be for the most recently ended fiscal year or for the fiscal year that ended no more than 15 months before the date of the applicant's submission.)
  • Annual report or similar document for the same fiscal year as the financial statements
  • Articles of Incorporation or charter, and amendments
  • Bylaws
  • List of board members
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Must new applicants submit audited financial statements?

Yes. All new applicants are required to submit financial statements that are audited by a certified public accountant.
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How much time after the end of its fiscal year does my organization have to complete the registration process?

A new applicant must complete the registration process within 15 months after the end of its fiscal year.

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We are a new applicant and the audit for our most recently ended fiscal year is not final. Can we submit audited financial statements from the previous fiscal year?

Yes, if your application is completed within 15 months of the end of the previous fiscal year.
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How does my organization register?

New applicants should review the PVO New Applicant Registration page. The page provides a link to the online registration Web site, where you can request a Username and Password.
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What if we don't have an e-mail address?

An applicant must have an e-mail address to access the online registration system. Most Internet service providers include one or more e-mail accounts with their connection services. You can also set up a free e-mail account with any of a number of Web-search services.
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After submitting as a new applicant, how long will it take before we know our registration status?

You should receive notification of your organization's registration status within eight weeks from the date that your application is complete.
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When is my organization's annual submission due?

A registered PVO's annual submission is due nine months after the end of its fiscal year. You can find your PVO's annual submission due date with the Due Date Calculator.
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Do the changes affect the international PVO registration process?

Yes. Starting with submissions for fiscal year 2008, the registration process for U.S. and international PVOs will be completed online.
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Where can I find the required registration forms on the USAID Web site?

The information that was submitted on AID Form 1550-2, AID Form 200-1, and other registration forms is now collected via the online registration system. The paper forms are no longer used. Approximately two months prior to your organization's annual submission due date, your chief financial executive will receive a Username, Password, and link to the registration Web site. At that time, your organization will be able to complete the submission process online.
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If we submitted a hard-copy application for fiscal year 2008 before the online registration Web site was available, must we complete the online process?

Yes. Contact the Registration Coordinator at for assistance.
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Can my organization receive a filing extension due to extraordinary circumstances?

The registration process does not include extensions. If a PVO does not file its annual submission within nine months of its fiscal year-end, it may be removed from the PVO Registry.
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If my organization is removed from the PVO Registry because of an incomplete submission or for noncompliance with the Conditions of Registration, how can it be reinstated?

An organization has 30 days after the receipt of a removal letter to request that its removal be reconsidered. An organization may submit as a new applicant at any time; however, the organization must meet the Conditions of Registration to be registered.
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Must my organization be registered to receive a grant? A cooperative agreement? A contract?

PVOs must be registered to compete for development assistance grants and cooperative agreements. Disaster assistance funding and funding through subgrants or contracts are not subject to this requirement.
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Does my organization need to be registered to submit a proposal?

Yes. To be eligible to compete for a USAID grant or cooperative agreement, a PVO must be registered with USAID.
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How does my U.S. PVO obtain funding?

Registered PVOs are eligible to compete for assistance funds (grants and cooperative agreements) that are available though USAID. See the sidebar under Solicitations on the Doing Business with USAID page for current funding opportunities. This page also contains agency guidance governing USAID grants, contracts, and other implementing mechanisms used by USAID.
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How does my non-U.S. PVO obtain funding?

Registered international PVOs are eligible to compete for assistance funds (grants and cooperative agreements) that are available though USAID. See the sidebar under Solicitations on the Doing Business with USAID page for current funding opportunities. This page also contains agency guidance governing USAID grants, contracts, and other implementing mechanisms used by USAID.

A local PVO—also called a local or indigenous NGO—is a non-U.S. NGO operating solely in the country where it is organized and headquartered. A local PVO is not required to register with USAID/Washington. A local PVO wishing to do business with USAID is encouraged to contact the USAID Mission in the country where it operates. See the USAID Mission Directory for contact information.
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Is it possible to purchase or obtain a printed copy of the VolAg Report?

USAID does not sell the VolAg Report. See the PVC Publications page to download a pdf copy of the most recent VolAg Report. You must have a pdf reader to view the document. (Free pdf readers are available online.) You can print the document, if necessary, once it's on your system.
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Search for PVOs

U.S. PVO Registry

International PVO Registry


Contact Person:
Renee Gatling, Registration Coordinator, e-mail:

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