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Home arrowNews arrowBLM Nationwide Programmatic Agreement Addendum Signed

BLM Nationwide Programmatic Agreement Addendum Signed

February 4, 2009 - The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is pleased to announce the recent signing of an addendum to the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) nationwide Programmatic Agreement, which guides how BLM fulfills its Section 106 responsibilities under the National Historic Preservation Act. Recognizing changes in the role of Indian tribes in the national historic preservation program since the agreement was signed in 1997, BLM, the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers, and the ACHP, which are the parties to the agreement, determined it should be updated to incorporate further the role of Indian tribes. Through this addendum BLM committed to developing revisions to the PA, in consultation with the signatories and Indian tribes, within the coming year that will provide appropriate opportunities for tribal consultation and a process for developing subsequent implementing actions.

The addendum also recognizes that the BLM initiated an outreach effort to tribes in August 2008 to obtain suggestions on making tribal coordination and consultation more effective and establishes milestones for completing this outreach effort and incorporating its results into the Programmatic Agreement. The process will also include opportunities for public involvement.

For further information on the agreement or the project in general, contact Nancy Brown via e-mail at or by telephone at 202-606-8582. Read the Addendum here.

Posted February 10, 2009

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