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OSWER Center for Program Analysis

The Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) Center for Program Analysis (OCPA) addresses high priority, cross-program policy issues within OSWER. Through its activities, OCPA enhances OSWER's ability to measure and evaluate progress in its cleanup programs, analyze non-regulatory benefits, and conduct analyses to help align OSWER with Agency-wide priorities and policies.

The four functions of OCPA are:

Benefits Analysis
OCPA supports OSWER programs by exploring emerging methods to value the benefits of land revitalization. This analysis may include examining local and state policy innovations and their implications for EPA programs, and conducting research in areas such as the valuation of ecological services and the benefits of waste and accident "prevention."

Performance Measurement
OCPA helps OSWER programs conduct strategic review of existing performance measurement systems and identifies opportunities to streamline and enhance existing measures. OCPA supports the development of new measures to strengthen OSWER's ability to communicate its accomplishments and meet the Agency's strategic goals.

Program Evaluation
OCPA provides third-party evaluation services to OSWER programs to help them assess the effectiveness of their programs relative to strategic goals.

Sustainability and Climate Change
OCPA coordinates across EPA's solid waste, land cleanup, and emergency response programs to promote sustainability and the development of strategies for addressing climate change through materials and land management.


Renewable Energy on Contaminated Land and Mining Sites

For further information regarding Renewable Energy on Contaminated Lands and Mining Sites, please contact: cleanenergy@epa.gov.


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