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May 9, 2009   
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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 655  

Temporary Employment of Aliens In the United States




Subpart M  

What are the Department's enforcement obligations with respect to H-1C Attestations?

20 CFR 655.1215 - How are the Administrator's investigation findings issued?

  • Section Number: 655.1215
  • Section Name: How are the Administrator's investigation findings issued?

    (a) The Administrator's determination, issued under 
Sec. 655.1205(d), shall be served on the complainant, the facility, and 
other interested parties by personal service or by certified mail at 
the parties' last known addresses. Where service by certified mail is 
not accepted by the party, the Administrator may exercise discretion to 
serve the determination by regular mail. Where the complainant has 
requested confidentiality, the Administrator shall serve the 
determination in a manner which will not breach that confidentiality.
    (b) The Administrator's written determination required by 
Sec. 655.1205(c) shall:
    (1) Set forth the determination of the Administrator and the reason 
or reasons therefor; prescribe any remedies or penalties including the 
amount of any unpaid wages due, the actions required for compliance 
with the facility Attestation, and the amount of any civil money 
penalty assessment and the reason or reasons therefor.
    (2) Inform the interested parties that they may request a hearing 
under Sec. 655.1220.
    (3) Inform the interested parties that if a request for a hearing 
is not received by the Chief Administrative Law Judge within 10 days of 
the date of the determination, the determination of the Administrator 
shall become final and not appealable.
    (4) Set forth the procedure for requesting a hearing, and give the 
address of the Chief Administrative Law Judge.
    (5) Inform the parties that, under Sec. 655.1255, the Administrator 
shall notify the Attorney General and ETA of the occurrence of a 
violation by the employer.
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