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May 9, 2009   
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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 655  

Temporary Employment of Aliens In the United States




Subpart M  

What are the Department's enforcement obligations with respect to H-1C Attestations?

20 CFR 655.1205 - What is the Administrator's responsibility with respect to complaints and investigations?

  • Section Number: 655.1205
  • Section Name: What is the Administrator's responsibility with respect to complaints and investigations?

    (a) The Administrator, through investigation, shall determine 
whether a facility has failed to perform any attested conditions, 
misrepresented any material facts in an Attestation (including 
misrepresentation as to compliance with regulatory standards), or 
otherwise violated the Act or subpart L or M of this part. The 
Administrator's authority applies whether an Attestation is expired or 
unexpired at the time a complaint is filed. (Note: Federal criminal 
statutes provide for fines and/or imprisonment for knowing and willful 
submission of false statements to the Federal Government. 18 U.S.C. 
1001; see also 18 U.S.C. 1546.)
    (b) Any aggrieved person or organization may file a complaint of a 
violation of the provisions of section 212(m) of the INA (8 U.S.C. 
1182(m)) or subpart L or M of this part. No particular form of 
complaint is required, except that the complaint shall be written or, 
if oral, shall be reduced to writing by the Wage and Hour Division 
official who receives the complaint. The complaint must set forth 
sufficient facts for the Administrator to determine what part or parts 
of the Attestation or regulations have allegedly been violated. Upon 
the request of the complainant, the Administrator shall, to the extent 
possible under existing law, maintain confidentiality about the 
complainant's identity; if the complainant wishes to be a party to the 
administrative hearing proceedings under this subpart, the complainant 
shall then waive confidentiality. The complaint may be submitted to any 
local Wage and Hour Division office; the addresses of such offices are 
found in local telephone directories. Inquiries concerning the 
enforcement program and requests for technical assistance regarding 
compliance may also be submitted to the local Wage and Hour Division 
    (c) The Administrator shall determine whether there is reasonable 
cause to believe that the complaint warrants investigation and, if so, 
shall conduct an investigation, within 180 days of the receipt of a 
complaint. If the Administrator determines that the complaint fails to 
present reasonable cause for an investigation, the Administrator shall 
so notify the complainant, who may submit a new complaint, with such 
additional information as may be necessary.
    (d) When an investigation has been conducted, the Administrator 
shall, within 180 days of the receipt of a complaint, issue a written 
determination, stating whether a basis exists to make a finding that 
the facility failed to meet a condition of its Attestation, made a 
misrepresentation of a material fact therein, or otherwise violated the 
Act or subpart L or M. The determination shall specify any sanctions 
imposed due to violations. The Administrator shall provide a notice of 
such determination to the interested parties and shall inform them of 
the opportunity for a hearing pursuant to Sec. 655.1220.
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