NAAC - Apartment Search

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Apartment Community Features


Apartment Floor Plan Features


Building and Community Accessible Features

Close HelpSome/All Subsidized Apartments: A check in this field indicates that the apartment community has units whose rents are income based.
Close HelpAccepts Section 8 Vouchers: A check in this field indicates that the community accepts these vouchers.
Close HelpRecreation Facilities: These must be accessible and usable public and common use areas.
Close HelpAccessible Parking: The parking facilities are close to units and made accessible with ramps.
Close HelpSome/All Subsidized Apartments: A check in this field indicates that the apartment community has units whose rents are income based.
Close HelpAccepts Section 8 Vouchers: A check in this field indicates that the community accepts these vouchers.
Close HelpRecreation Facilities: These must be accessible and usable public and common use areas.
Close HelpAccessible Parking: The parking facilities are close to units and made accessible with ramps.
Close HelpElevator in Building: A check in this field indicates that there is an elevator in the building. Under the guide lines, every unit an elevator serves must be accessible.
Close HelpAccessible Building Entrance: Entrance to the building is flat or made accessible with ramps, etc.
Close HelpFlat Entry into Apartment: Entry walks to adaptable units must meet the full ANSI criteria for an "accessible route." These criteria include a minimum width and a maximum slope with no steps or ridges.
Close HelpRamped Entry into Apartment: Ramps must haveadditional features such as handrails, edge protection,and periodic level rest areas.
Close HelpFirst Floor Apartment: Unit is on gound level with no barriers to entry.
Close HelpAccessible Parking in Front of Apartment: The parking facilities are close to the units amd make accessible with ramps.
Close Help32" Doorways in Apartment: This is the width that w wheelchair can pass through. The guidelines require a 32" clear opening at usable doors.
Close HelpTwo Story Apartment: The actual apartment is a two story unit.
Close HelpElevator In Apartment: There is an elevator in the apartment itself.
Close HelpGrab Bars in Bathroom: Bathroom is equipped with bars to help the individual in and out of wheelchair.
Close HelpBathroom Reinforced for Grab Bars: Walls are built to accommodate grab bars if necessary.
Close HelpLow Bathroom Vanity: Lowered counters to provide access and reach form wheelchair.
Close HelpLow Bathroom Vanity with Knee Space: Low vanities in bathroom with 27" knee space.
Close HelpRoll-In Shower: Shower is able to accommodate a wheelchair.
Close HelpT-Turn or 60" Turn Circle in Bathroom: Bathroom is big enough to allow a wheelchair to turn back and forth.(Not a requirement of the Fair Housing Act).
Close HelpLow Kitchen Counters: Lowered counters to provide access and reach form wheelchair.
Close HelpLow Kitchen Counters with Knee Space: Low counters in kitchen with 27" knee space.

The NAAC is a public service program of The National Apartment Association.

All Material Copyright © 2005,
National Accessible Apartment Clearinghouse
A Not-For-Profit Organization

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