Contact: Tom Hill

For Immediate Release
December 23, 2003


WASHINGTON – The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has awarded a performance-based contract to Electronic Data Systems Corporation of Plano, Texas to be effective on December 23, 2003. The contract was awarded under the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Encore, Governmentwide Acquisition Contact (GWAC).

The contract, with a base period of 5 years and a 2-year option, has a potential value of $300 million dollars. The contract will provide enterprise-wide hardware, software and technology services necessary to ensure continued mission success for ATF employees and task forces performing critical law enforcement missions. Approximately 8,500 seats in nearly 260 locations nationwide will be initially supported.

This is ATF’s third seat management contract. As a full service managed services contract, the scope could include a broad range of Information Technology services that allows ATF to perform its law enforcement mission.

Gartner, Inc. of Stamford, Connecticut and Acquisitions Solution, Inc. of Oakton, Virginia assisted ATF in charting the new performance –based contract from inception through award. ATF used concepts and practices developed from the 7 Steps of Performance-Based Contracting, a project that was initially conceived through the collaborative efforts of the Department of Commerce and the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP).

Acting ATF Director, Bradley Buckles said, “ATF has always had high standards of excellence and innovation through strong partnerships. This will continue.”
