Contact: Andrew L. Lluberes

For Immediate Release
March 31, 2004


WASHINGTON - The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives published a notice in the Federal Register today containing the annual list of explosives that are subject to federal law and implementing regulations.

The list of 238 explosive materials published today is comprehensive but not all-inclusive. Hence an explosive material may not be on the list but still be subject to the law if it meets the statutory definitions. All explosives on the list fall under the United States Code chapter regulating the importation, manufacture, distribution and storage of explosive materials.

ATF, which became part of the Justice Department in January 2003, has jurisdiction for the enforcement of Chapter 40 of the U.S. Code as well as for the Safe Explosives Act passed by Congress in 2002 as part of the Homeland Security Bill.

ATF added two terms - tetrazole explosive and ammonium perchlorate having particle size of less than 15 microns -- to the 2003 list. The former encompasses all tetrazole explosive mixtures, and the latter is being reintroduced to the list as a corrective measure. Ammonium perchlorate having particle size of less than 15 microns appeared on the annual list until 1991 after which it was inadvertently omitted.

Copies of the notice can be found at http://www.atf.gov/pub/index.htm#arson. More information on ATF and its programs can be found at www.atf.gov.
