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American Society for Nutrition

Contact Information

9650 Rockville Pike, Suite L-4500
Bethesda, MD 20814

301-634-7050 (Voice)
301-634-7892 (FAX)

Internet Resources


The American Society for Nutrition (3,500+ members) is the premier research society dedicated to improving the quality of life through the science of nutrition. The Society fulfills its mission via the following: fostering and enhancing research in animal and human nutrition; providing opportunities for sharing, disseminating, and archiving peer-reviewed nutrition research results (at its annual meeting and in its official publications, The Journal of Nutrition and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition); fostering quality education and training in nutrition; upholding standards for ethical behavior in research, the protection of human subjects, and the care and treatment of research animals; providing opportunities for fellowship and support among nutritionists; and bringing scientific knowledge to bear on nutrition issues through communication and influence in the public domain.


The American Society for Nutrition publishes "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" and "The Journal of Nutrition."


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Date Entered: 10/11/2006
Date Edited: 10/11/2006
Date Revised: 11/7/2007 12:37:51 PM
Health Referral Number: HR3781
Accession Number:

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