National  Health Information Center 

Health Information Resource Database

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National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition

Contact Information

121 N. Washington Street
Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314

703-836-6110 (Voice)
703-836-3470 (FAX)

Internet Resources


This organization provides an innovative forum for collaborative partnerships of public and private organizations, employers, policymakers and consumers to promote and improve culturally and linguistically appropriate, community based services that foster healthy mothers, healthy babies and healthy families. From its inception, HMHB has focused attention on raising public awareness of the basic components of prenatal care--early care, good nutrition, avoidance of drugs--including not drinking and not smoking, and promotion of breastfeeding.


Serial publication: Newsletter.


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Date Entered: 11/1/1997
Date Edited: 3/9/2006
Date Revised: 1/29/2002
Health Referral Number: HR2574
Accession Number:

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