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Children's Foundation

Contact Information

Executive Director
725 15th street, NW
Suite 505
Washington, DC 20005-2109

202-347-3300 (Voice)
202-347-3382 (FAX)

Internet Resources


The Children's Foundation is a national advocacy organization for children and the people who care for them. Established in 1969 as an educational and charitable institution, the Foundation addresses the problems of children in poverty, especially children who are cared for by a woman alone. Past work of the Foundation has focused on federal food assistance programs for children and families. One Program which it monitors and helped to shape is the Child Care Food Program. The National Child Care Advocacy Project of the Foundation works with State and local day care associations comprised of low and moderate income women who provide child care in their homes. The Foundation also works in the area of enforcement of child-support orders. The Foundation undertakes national surveys of licensed child care program operations.


Educational materials dealing with choosing and using day care for children, including state regulations, a survey of licensing requirements, and a directory of child care associations. The Foundation also offers job specific information to providers caring for infants and toddlers entitled Better Baby Care. Serial publication: CF Child Care Bulletin, bimonthly--information on child care issues on a national and regional level, including training opportunities around the country.


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Date Entered: 5/1/1998
Date Edited: 4/8/2004
Date Revised: 2/11/2004
Health Referral Number: HR0330
Accession Number: DP91A0411

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