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Presentations and Discussions Technology Briefings May 1999 Forum


Last updated: June 09, 2003
South Florida Restoration Science Forum


How do environmental histories of the Everglades help future management? (Part 1)

Poster presented May 1999, at the South Florida Restoration Science Forum

Poster presented by: Dr. Christopher McVoy, SFWMD

Do we need to understand the original Everglades to restore them?

(Click on any of the images below for a larger version.)

"The Original"
"The Present Condition"
"After Restoration"
tractor illustration
photo of tractor
photo of tractor
Whether tractor, Model T car, or Victorian mansion, the first step in restoration is finding a good picture or example of the original. Similarly, restoration of the Everglades also requires a good picture.

And restoration is further complicated because we cannot simply "paint in" the great flocks of wading birds (or other species) originally present. Instead, we must recreate, as fully as possible, the physical aspects of the original habitats, then wait as the animals and plants recolonize.

Restoration therefore requires a clear picture of the key physical attributes, and a good understanding of the role played by each.

Thorough knowledge of the present physical condition lets us compare with the original, and realistically assess the likelihood of successful restoration.

Physical Attributes
photo of sawgrass
Sawgrass (1995)
photo of ridge and slough
Ridge & Slough
with water lilies (1995)


An idealized, greatly compressed section of typical Everglades plant communities.
(Click on image above for larger version.)

Topography x Vegetation

photo of scientist holding peaty marl
Peaty Marl
photo of marl-forming periphyton
Marl-forming periphyton

Water Depths
photo of scientists surveying
"In the slough"
seasonal variation
Seasonal Variation

Water Flows

water flow map
(Click on image above for larger version.)
Ridge & Slough orientation
from 1940 aerials

Photo & graphic Credits: Original & restored tractors: Sanders,R. W. 1997. Vintage International Harvester tractors. Voyageur Press, Stillwater, MN.  Present condition tractor: Leffingwell, R. 1995. Farm tractors: a living history. Motorbooks International, Osceola, WI.   Topography:  Lodge, T. 1994. The Everglades handbook. St. Lucie Press, Delray Beach, FL.  Satellite Image:  Lo, T. 1998. BTR GIS Lab, Palm Bay, FL.

Next Next: Do we have a clear picture of the original Everglades?

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 09 June, 2003 @ 05:04 PM (HSH)