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Representation Digest Series

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60 FLRA No. 106

U. S. DOD, DLA, Defense Supply Center Columbus, Columbus, Ohio and International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 7, AFL-CIO and U.S. DOD, DLA, Defense Supply Center Columbus, Columbus, Ohio and AFGE, Local 1148,AFL-CIO Case Nos. CH-RP-02-0025,CH-RP-02-0031 (Decided December 29, 2004)

      This case came to the Authority on an application for review filed by the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 7, AFL-CIO (IFPTE) under § 2422.31(c) of the Authority's Regulations. IFPTE sought review of the Regional Director's (RD's) Decision and Order to include the newly created position, Product Specialist, GS-301-11, (PS) in the bargaining unit represented by American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), instead of the IFPTE bargaining unit. The Activity filed an opposition to IFPTE's application for review.

      The Authority granted the application for review, in part, because it demonstrated that established law and policy warranted reconsideration. The parties were directed to file supplemental briefs concerning what standard should the Authority apply in determining the unit status of a new position created by combining the duties of two existing positions comprising a functional bargaining unit (unit A), where the new position is dissimilar in nature but has the same classification series as positions in a different bargaining unit and also falls within the description of that different bargaining unit (unit B) and how should that standard be applied to this case. The application for review was denied in all other respects.

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