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The ENERGY STAR for Plants

The  ENERGY STAR displayed at Toyota’s NUMMI plant
The ENERGY STAR is displayed at Toyota’s NUMMI plant

ENERGY STAR is the national symbol of energy efficiency and environmental protection and is well-recognized by a majority of U.S. households.

EPA awards the ENERGY STAR to plants achieving a high level of energy performance within their industry.

Recognition for energy performance achievements is a valuable method for sustaining momentum in a corporate energy program. The ENERGY STAR for plants is a stimulus for greater energy performance.

Five types of manufacturing plants are eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR:

  • auto manufacturing plants
  • cement plants
  • petroleum refineries
  • wet corn milling plants
  • pharmaceutical manufacturing plants

Plants awarded the ENERGY STAR must score within the top 25 percent of energy efficiency within their industry.

These plants receive the ENERGY STAR bronze plaque, a template for creating plant flags and banners bearing the ENERGY STAR, and a certificate of achievement. All materials are dated for the year of the award.

Check out the Plants Recognized with the ENERGY STAR

Learn how to Apply for The ENERGY STAR for Plants

Learn How to use the ENERGY STAR for Plants

A plant


Plants are permitted to display the bronze ENERGY STAR plaque.