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USAID dairy project benefits 1,864 people by generating new yearly salaries
Helping Family-Owned Dairy in Serbia
Photo: Mrs. Trosic, Dairy owner
Photo: Mercy Corp Serbia
Mrs. Trosic, Dairy owner
“In one year, we have achieved what others have taken 20 years to achieve! USAID helped us by enabling our company to process more milk. We, on the other hand, helped other families by buying more milk from them!”
-Mrs. Trosic, Dairy owner

At the beginning of the 1990’s, the Trosic family purchased milk from Trstenik farmers and sold it to a large dairy in the city of Kraljevo. In 2000, when they could no longer sell their milk in Kraljevo due to travel restrictions, fuel shortages, and other economic issues, the Trosic’s started their own dairy and began to produce pasteurized milk, yogurt, sour milk, and cheese.

Through a USAID grant, the Trosic family acquired a homogenizer and two duplicators which expanded the dairy’s processing capacity and enabled them to buy milk from 100 additional families. The project gives 100 dairy farmers new markets for their milk and this would create new employment.

Currently, the Trosic dairy buys milk from 350 farmers in Trstenik and sells its products in Trstenik and Vrnjcka Banja. Milk processing has increased from 3000 to 3500 liters of milk per day.

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