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Envelope Contact Global Health

The Supply Chain Management System

Providing Quality Medicines for People Living with and Affected by HIV/AIDS

Photo of SCMS quantification training in Ethiopia, May 2007.
Source: SCMS Project

Funded by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and established in fiscal year 2005, the Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) project is helping host nations increase their capacity for delivering essential lifesaving HIV/AIDS medicines and supplies to people in need of treatment and care. Operating in some of the countries most severely impacted by HIV/AIDS, SCMS works in collaboration with host-country governments and local and global partners; procures essential medicines and supplies at affordable prices; helps strengthen and build reliable, secure and sustainable supply chains systems; and fosters coordination of key stakeholders.

Administered by USAID, the SCMS technical approach centers on:

  • Working with and strengthening existing systems, not creating parallel or duplicate systems
  • Building local capacity, empowering in-country partners to enhance and develop sustainable and appropriate responses for their own communities
  • Delivering quality HIV/AIDS medicines and supplies at the best value by leveraging industry best practices for planning, procurement, storage, and distribution
  • Promoting transparency to ensure accurate and timely supply chain information is collected, shared, and used to improve decisionmaking
  • Collaborating with in-country and international partners to identify needs, fill gaps, avoid duplication, and share best practices
Photo of workers taking samples of ARVs in Vietnam.
Source: SCMS Project

SCMS offers partners a rapid, regular, and reliable supply by storing forecasted quantities of the most frequently requested essential medicines, HIV test kits, and other products close to the point of use at regional distribution centers (RDCs) in Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa. The RDCs follow commercial best practices to ensure security and quality of the products as well as timely delivery.

By working closely with partners to plan future procurement, pooling orders to buy in bulk, establishing long-term contracts with manufacturers, and purchasing generic alternatives whenever possible, SCMS helps to reduce the price of essential medicines to treat HIV/AIDS.

With offices in 17 countries and more than 300 dedicated staff members around the world, SCMS brings together 16 private sector, nongovernmental, and faith-based organizations that are among the most trusted names in supply chain management and international public health and development.

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