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Fiscal Year 2007 Audit Reports for USAID

Report No Size Report Name Date
E-267-07-008-P  [pdf] 368.74KB Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Participation in Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq

September 27, 2007
9-000-07-010-P  [pdf] 326.45KB Audit of USAID’s Management of P.L. 480 Nonemergency Monetization Program

September 27, 2007
1-527-07-012-P  [pdf] 694.17KB Audit of USAID/Peru’s Microenterprise Activities

September 27, 2007
9-516-07-009-P  [pdf] 228.26KB Audit of USAID’s Cuba Program

September 25, 2007
9-901-07-008-P  [pdf] 635.55KB Audit of USAID/CAR/Kazakhstan’s Microfinance Activities

September 24, 2007
6-263-07-002-P  [pdf] 129.54KB Audit of Custom Reform Activities Under USAID’s Assistance for Customs Reform and Trade Facilitation Project in Egypt

September 24, 2007
4-612-07-011-P  [pdf] 366.12KB Audit of USAID/Malawi’s Implementation of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

September 21, 2007
5-442-07-010-P  [pdf] 368.39KB Audit of USAID/Cambodia’s Implementation of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

September 18, 2007
A-000-07-006-P  [pdf] 201.82KB Audit of USAID’s Capital Planning and Investment Control for the Foreign Assistance Coordination and Tracking System (FACTS)

September 14, 2007
8-118-07-005-P  [pdf] 153.12KB Follow-up Audit of USAID/Russia’s Democracy Program

September 12, 2007
5-306-07-009-P  [pdf] 207.10KB Audit of Selected Follow-on Activities under USAID/Afghanistan’s Economic Program

August 31, 2007
4-617-07-010-P  [pdf] 335.48KB Audit of USAID/Uganda’s Microfinance Activities

August 30, 2007
4-690-07-009-P  [pdf] 143.53KB Follow-up Audit of the Agreed-Upon-Procedures Review of the Southern Africa Enterprise Development Fund

August 28, 2007
1-520-07-011-P  [pdf] 123.73KB Audit of USAID/Guatemala’s Economic Growth Program

August 24, 2007
4-674-07-008-P  [pdf] 140.28KB Audit of USAID/South Africa's Unliquidated Obligations and Balances

August 16, 2007
7-688-07-003-P  [pdf] 290.43KB Audit of USAID/Mali's Effectiveness in Complying with Tiahrt Voluntary Family Planning Requirements

August 14, 2007
8-118-07-004-P  [pdf] 265.48KB Audit of USAID/Russia’s Implementation of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

August 10, 2007
E-267-07-007-P  [pdf] 154.04KB Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Local Governance Activities

July 31, 2007
1-511-07-010-P  [pdf] 442.05KB Audit of USAID/Bolivia’s Integrated Health Coordination Program (PROCOSI)

July 23, 2007
A-000-07-004-P  [pdf] 165.21KB Audit of USAID’s Pre-Deployment Activities for Its Global Acquisition System

July 19, 2007
A-000-07-003-P  [pdf] 176.26KB Audit of Compliance of Selected USAID Websites with Specific Requirements of Section 207(f) of the E-Government Act of 2002

July 16, 2007
5-497-07-008-P  [pdf] 449.44KB Audit of USAID/Indonesia’s Aceh Road Reconstruction Project Under Its Tsunami Program

July 11, 2007
E-267-07-006-P  [pdf] 220.22KB Audit of the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance Program in Iraq

July 11, 2007
8-186-07-003-P  [pdf] 473.92KB Audit of USAID/Romania’s Microenterprise Activities

July 10, 2007
8-111-07-002-P  [pdf] 349.27KB Audit of USAID/Armenia’s Energy and Water Sector Reform Program

June 26, 2007
5-383-07-007-P  [pdf] 376.75KB Audit of USAID/Sri Lanka’s Tsunami Recovery and Reconstruction Program Selected Outputs Implemented by Development Alternatives, Inc.

June 22, 2007
4-663-07-007-P  [pdf] 205.25KB Final report on Audit of USAID/Ethiopia’s Effectiveness in Complying with the Tiahrt Requirements

June 22, 2007
9-000-07-007-P  [pdf] 801.64MB Audit of USAID’s Avian Influenza Efforts

June 8, 2007
5-306-07-006-P  [pdf] 177.03KB Audit of USAID/Afghanistan’s Urban Water and Sanitation Program
June 07, 2007
E-267-07-005-P  [pdf] 126.86KB Audit of USAID/Iraq's Activity Planning and Its Reporting Process under Section 2207 of Public Law 108-106

June 6, 2007
7-641-07-002-P  [pdf] 176.51KB Audit of USAID/Ghana’s Program to Increase Private Sector Competitiveness

May 31, 2007
9-910-07-006-P  [pdf] 175.09KB Audit of USAID/India’s Implementation of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

May 30, 2007
1-514-07-009-P  [pdf] 815.75KB Audit of USAID/Colombia’s Alternative Development Program

May 30, 2007
4-674-07-006-P  [pdf] 135.66KB Audit of USAID/South Africa’s Cashiering Operations

May 24, 2007
5-391-07-005-P  [pdf] 397.44KB Audit of Selected Activities Under USAID/Pakistan’s Basic Health Program

May 23, 2007
5-306-07-004-P  [pdf] 338.24KB Audit of Critical Power Sector Activities Under USAID/Afghanistan’s Rehabilitation of Economic Facilities and Services (REFS) Program
May 21, 2007
4-621-07-005-P  [pdf] 322.10KB Audit of USAID/Tanzania’s Implementation of the President’s Malaria Initiative

May 14, 2007
E-267-07-004-P  [pdf] 195.16KB Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Telecommunications Activities

May 3, 2007
6-294-07-001-S  [pdf] 195.31KB Information on Status and Results of the First 90 Financial Audits of USAID/West Bank and Gaza Activities in Accordance with the Statutory Requirements of the Consolidated Appropriations Acts of 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006

April 26, 2007
1-521-07-008-P  [pdf] 728.01KB Audit of USAID/Haiti's Justice Program

April 24, 2007
1-512-07-007-P  [pdf] 533.23KB Audit of USAID/Brazil’s Health Program

March 20, 2007
1-519-07-006-P  [pdf] 765.54KB Audit of USAID/El Salvador’s Economic Growth Program

March 6, 2007
7-624-07-001-P  [pdf] 336.05KB Audit of USAID/West Africa’s Management of the P.L. 480 Non-Emergency Monetization Program in Burkina Faso

February 27, 2007
5-486-07-003-P  [pdf] 235.19KB Audit of Critical Activities Financed by USAID Regional Development Mission/Asia’s U.S. Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System Program

February 27, 2006
6-263-07-001-P  [pdf] 221.77KB Audit of USAID/Egypt’s Agricultural Exports and Rural Incomes Project

February 21, 2007
4-674-07-004-P  [pdf] 208.35KB Audit of USAID Activities in Limited-Presence Countries Managed by USAID/South Africa

Febuary 14, 2007
5-306-07-002-P  [pdf] 362.02KB Audit of USAID/Afghanistan’s Alternative Livelihoods Program - Eastern Region
Feburary 13, 2007
9-000-07-005-P  [pdf] 255.46KB Audit of USAID’s Start-up of the Supply Chain Management System for the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

February 8, 2007
E-267-07-003-P  [pdf] 150.54KB Follow-up Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Education Activities

February 4, 2007
1-511-07-005-P  [pdf] 825.43KB Audit of USAID/Bolivia’s Family Planning Program

January 22, 2007
E-267-07-002-P  [pdf] 283.95KB Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Agriculture Reconstruction and Development Program

January 22, 2007
1-511-07-004-P  [pdf] 227.09KB Audit of USAID/Bolivia's Effectiveness in Complying with Tiahrt Requirements

December 26, 2006
9-000-07-004-P  [pdf] 266.08KB Audit of USAID’s Progress in Implementing the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

December 22, 2006
4-656-07-003-P  [pdf] 398.34KB Audit of USAID/Mozambique’s Management of P.L. 480 Non-Emergency Monetization Program

December 22, 2006
A-000-07-002-O  [pdf] 169.11KB Independent Auditor’s Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures for Assessing USAID's Implementation of Section 522 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005

December 19, 2006
4-690-07-002-P  [pdf] 226.73KB Audit of USAID Activities in Limited-Presence Countries Managed by USAID/Southern Africa

December 18, 2006
8-112-07-001-P  [pdf] 208.81KB Audit of USAID/Azerbaijan’s Economic Growth Program

December 15, 2006
1-518-07-003-P  [pdf] 458.50KB Audit of USAID/Ecuador's Democracy and Governance Activities

December 14, 2006
4-617-07-001-P  [pdf] 158.78KB Audit of USAID/Uganda’s Compliance with Financial Audit Requirements Regarding Foreign Recipients

December 5, 2006
9-000-07-003-P  [pdf] 258.44KB Audit of the Management of USAID's Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) Program

December 4, 2006
9-000-07-002-S  [pdf] 277.64KB Survey of USAID’s Trade Capacity Building Programs to Support Implementation of Free Trade Agreements

November 30, 2006
5-383-07-001-P  [pdf] 393.17KB Audit of USAID/Sri Lanka's Large-Scale Infrastructure Rebuilding Activities Under Its Sri Lanka Tsunami Reconstruction Program

November 30, 2006
1-520-07-002-P  [pdf] 452.70KB Audit of USAID/Guatemala’s Management of Its P.L. 480 Non-emergency Monetization Program

November 27, 2006
0-000-07-001-C  [pdf] 950.90KB Report on the Audit of USAID's Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 2006 and 2005

November 15, 2006
0-ADF-07-002-C 791.98KB Report on Audit of the African Development Foundation’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 2006 and 2005
November 15, 2006
E-267-07-001-P  [pdf] 227.39KB Audit of USAID/Iraq's Civil Society Activities

November 5, 2006
9-000-07-001-S  [pdf] 172.62KB Survey of USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives

October 13, 2006
1-520-07-001-P  [pdf] 68.42KB Audit of USAID/Guatemala’s Family Planning Activities

October 6, 2006

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