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Strategic Alliance Promotes Panama As Tourist Destination

February 15, 2007
Press Office: 202-712-4320
Public Information: 202-712-4810

Washington, D.C. - As part of an alliance with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the government of Panama and the National Geographic Society (NGS), a Panama Adventure Map was publicly unveiled at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. Panama's President, Martin Torrijos Espino and the U.S. Ambassador to Panama William A. Eaton participated in the event.

The objective of this alliance is to highlight Panama's place in the tourism market for people interested in history, ecology, archaeology, bird watching, and sport recreation. The map was produced by National Geographic with funding from USAID and Panama's National Tourism Bureau (IPAT).

More broadly this effort showcases the importance of strategic alliances between the national government, private business, and USAID that will in turn attract sustainable tourism to Panama's protected areas.

USAID Director to Panama, Kermit C. Moh said, "USAID assistance in producing an adventure map for Panama through National Geographic contributes to the government of Panama's vision of developing tourism as an opportunity for economic development, diversification, and growth in related activities."

A waterproof version of the map will identify areas with the most interest for tourists such as Kuna Yala, Las Perlas Archipelago, and the Panama Canal. The map will be translated into languages other than English and will be available through National Geographic channels.

A companion guide book, National Geographic Traveler: Panama, will be released in the fall.

"The National Geographic Society is delighted to have worked with the government of Panama, the Panamanian Tourism Bureau (IPAT), and the U.S. Agency for International Development to develop the NGS adventure map and traveler guide for Panama," said NGS Senior Vice President of International Licensing and Alliances, Robert Hernandez. "They will make Panama and its extraordinary natural and cultural resources better known among global audiences."

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