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Success Stories

Photo of Boat construction in Quirimbas, Mozambique   MOZAMBIQUE: Marine Conservation Mitigates Resource Conflict
[2007-06-15]  In the remote Quirimbas archipelago of Mozambique, communities faced food shortages due to climate and wildlife-related crop damage and depleted marine fish stocks from overfishing. As fish stocks declined, conflict between local communities and illegal fishers in the area increased. Communities sought assistance to improve their food security and reduce conflict through improved management and conservation of resources.
Boat construction in Quirimbas, Mozambique
Photo of Albanian and Serbian-Kosovo media workers   KOSOVO: Building Inter-Ethnic Communication
[2007-01-22] With the majority of Albanian- and Serbian Kosovars speaking their respective language and, to a large extent, living in separate communities, building a society based upon respect for ethnic diversity remains a challenging task. In 2006, as Kosovo’s future state status was being negotiated, USAID funded the Support to Peace and Stability in Kosovo project to increase the flow of information, understanding, and confidence among the people of Kosovo.
Albanian- and Serbian-
Kosovo media teams joining forces to make a documentary
Photo of Chechen Children at play with Russian military personnel   RUSSIA/CAUCASUS: Peace Through Interaction
[2006-10-18] Most observers of Russia today agree that the Kremlin remains challenged by ongoing turbulence in the North Caucasus. USAID is promoting youth tolerance, psychosocial counseling for internally displaced people and victims of Beslan, as well as economic development through micro-credit lending, community development and infrastructure rehabilitation.
Chechen Children at play with Russian military personnel
Photo of Malawian Religios leaders - Christian and Muslim   MALAWI: National Campaign Leads to Dialogue
[2006-08-15] New political alliances developed following the introduction of multi-party democracy in Malawi in 1999. Tensions once dormant between Malawians of Christian and Muslim faiths began to emerge, leading to waves of violence, including the burning of mosques in the North of the country. The Story Workshop, an indigenous organization, with support from the USAID, went to work combating intolerance and promoting the Ndife Amodzi program.
Muslim and Christian leaders participate in the Ndife Amodzi program.
Photo of Kenyans celebrating   EAST AFRICA: Building Peace Along Borders
[2006-05-04] The pastoralist arc of the Horn of Africa is plagued by conflict that stems from competition over scarce resources. Under the Cross Border Conflict Mitigation Initiative of the PEACE program, USAID is supporting coalitions of state and non-state actors to perform governance functions in ungoverned areas.
Celebrating the accord to end inter-communal violence.
Photo of Arab and Israeli students   MIDDLE EAST: Developing Leaders
[2006-02-08] The Middle East faces numerous environmental challenges from management of scarce water resources to declining air quality and urban sprawl. USAID is training future leaders to manage and mitigate conflict and confront the region’s environmental chal-lenges through peaceful measures.
"A good environment needs a stable political situation...."
Photo of excited children   MALI: Peacebuilding Through Communication
[2005-12-15] Mali is threatened by regional and tribal conflict, religious extremist groups with possible ties to terrorist organizations. The nomadic populations of the North remain largely isolated and are often marginalized from participation in desions that affect their lives. In light of these threats, USAID is establishing and maintaining contact while providing services for the Nomadic population.
Children sharing their excitement at the radio station in Almoustarat
Archbishop Desmond Tutu   COLOMBIA: Restorative Justice Principles Adopted
[2005-10-01] Colombia is working to overcome nearly 50 years of conflict that escalated in the 1990s as a result of the drug-trafficking trade. With assistance from the USAID Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation (DCHA/CMM), USAID/Colombia incorporated Restorative Justice Principles within both its Justice and Peace Initiatives Programs.
Abp. Desmond Tutu calls on Colombia's fighters to rejoin society

Program Highlights

Photo of Georgian legal counselors and project staff   GEORGIA: Counselors for Peace
[2007-05-08] In 1992, the region of Abkhazia declared independence from the Republic of Georgia and an armed conflict ensued. Despite a 1994 ceasefire and ongoing negotiations, Georgia and Abkhazia have yet to reach a permanent peace settlement. In hopes that both sides will eventually develop a plan for peace, USAID is supporting a project to advance peace negotiations.
Georgian legal counselors and project staff.
Photo of Sri Lankans filming a teledrama   SRI LANKA: Innovative Avenues to Peace
[2006-03-08] After a 20 year civil war and 65,000 causalities, Sri Lankans are seeking permanent peace between their government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). USAID’s Sri Lanka Peace Support Project builds capacity for multi-stakeholder participation from the grassroots to the policy-making level.
USAID is filming a teledrama highlighting ethnic conflict and reconciliation.
NUPI Meeting in Odek   UGANDA: Northern Uganda Peace Innitiative (NUPI) Brings Trust and Reconciliation
[2005-10-11] NUPI is helping to build consensus for the conflict resolution process at the grassroots level with civil society in northern Uganda and the government in Kampala, and is advising the government in peace talks with the LRA
NUPI Meeting in Odek,






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