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Poverty Reduction



Poverty Reduction and NRM Seminar Series


Four women in traditional dress harvest grasses with massive blue mountain ridge in background. Photo Source: Mukunda Bugati, Courtesy of Photoshare
Nepal is among the poorest and least-developed
countries in the world, with nearly half of its
population living below the poverty line.

The seminar series addressed multidimensional issues and concerns surrounding poverty reduction and natural resources management in developing countries. USAID’s Offices of Poverty Reduction and Natural Resources Management hosted the seminars. Experts from both within and outside USAID shared knowledge and tools for understanding the complex role that wise natural resource management plays in reducing poverty. The seminars explored the conflicts and barriers to improving the livelihoods of the poor, and ways of assisting them with both improving their immediate standard of living and ensuring a sustainable future. The seminars’ goal was to build strong and successful Agency programs that alleviate poverty while maintaining the natural resource base critical to sustaining and improving livelihoods.

Each seminar built on the discussions and knowledge base of the preceding seminars. Each seminar consisted of an invited presentation followed by a panel discussion. Supplementary readings provide opportunity for further exploration of the topic.

The poverty–natural resources management thematic area was developed further in USAID’s competency-based training course that took place in the summer of 2005. A report, Issues in Poverty Reduction and Natural Resource Management (PDF 1.103MB), synthesizes the seminars’ presentations and findings.

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