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May 9, 2009   
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Content Last Revised: 3/21/84

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter I  

Office of the Secretary of Labor



Part 6  

Rules of Practice for Administrative Proceedings Enforcing Labor Standards In Federal and Federally Assisted Construction Contracts and Federal Service Contracts




Subpart A  


29 CFR 6.7 - Appearances.

  • Section Number: 6.7
  • Section Name: Appearances.

    (a) Representation. The parties may appear in person, by counsel, or 
    (b) Failure to appear. In the event that a party appears at the 
hearing and no party appears for the opposing side, the presiding 
Administrative Law Judge is authorized, if such party fails to show good 
cause for such failure to appear, to dismiss the case or to find the 
facts as alleged in the complaint and to enter a default judgment 
containing such findings, conclusions and order as are appropriate. Only 
where a petition for review of such default judgment cites alleged 
procedural irregularities in the proceeding below and not the merits of 
the case shall a non-appearing party be permitted to file such a 
petition for review. Failure to appear at a hearing shall not be deemed 
to be a waiver of the right to be served with a copy of the 
Administrative Law Judge's decision.
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