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Category 1 - Equipment & Services

Network Services
(877) 387-2001
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CONNECTIONS Customer Representatives

In Category 1 of the Connections contract, the customer requests specific hardware and associated support services that could be used to evolve an agency's telecommunications infrastructure.

Typical equipment and associated services include multiplexers, video codecs, voice mail systems, channel service units, concentrators, routers, switches, gateways, firewalls, repeaters, virtual private network equipment, site preparation, power systems, alarms, microwave systems, wiring, cabling and cross connects. Services in this category are limited to those that would specifically support the equipment (e.g., installation and ongoing maintenance).

Section C.3 of the Connections contract provides additional details on the types of equipment and services offered under Category 1.

General Characteristics
When to use Category 1

General Characteristics

1. Equipment Orientation

  • Voice
  • Data
  • Video

2. Replacement of old devices or the addition of infrastructure

3. Support Services

  • Acquisition
  • Installation
  • Cabling and Wiring
  • Site Preparation
  • Ongoing Maintenance (for existing and/or new infrastructure)

4. Scope Range

  • Low End: Small quantities of individual items.
  • High End: Full infrastructure provisioning for a new facility.

When to use Category 1

1. Technical specifications are complete - ready to implement an existing design.

2. No advanced engineering required.

3. Need is centered on equipment acquisition.

  • Delivery
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Testing
  • Maintenance

4. Customer acts as general contractor (or has outside/separate integrator).


1. Acquire individual items to add to infrastructure.

  • Replace individual obsolete items.
  • Add individual items to infrastructure (add a new network segment).

2. Acquire all items necessary to provision a new facility.

  • Facility cabling infrastructure (cabling, installation, testing).
  • PBX solution (installation, configuration, testing).
  • Networking (routers/switches used to connect to an ISP, routers/switches for LAN segment).
  • Video conferencing (software, hardware).
  • Video surveillance (central console, cameras, cables, software).

Equipment sub-categories under Category 1 may be found in the below attachment.

Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Category 1 Codes This attachment contains the subcategories for Category 1. Excel 19k 1/13/2004