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Make a Compelling Offer
The right incentive is hard to pass up.

Your offer should be based on who you are targeting, whether it’s existing customers who you’d like to see again, potential new customers who can benefit from your products or services, or a whole new market.

Start by asking yourself these questions:

    store front with suits and sale sign in window. - example direct mail piece for a tuxedo shop with close up of corsage on suit. text: $99 Prom Special
  • Why do my customers need this product or service?
  • How does my product or service benefit my customers?
  • How is my product or service different from others on the market?
  • What do I want my customers to do when they read this Direct Mail piece?

  • Your offer should:
  • Relate to the audience.
  • Contribute to your business objectives.
  • Appeal to your customers’ emotions.
  • Create excitement.
  • Foster a sense of urgency.
  • Make it easy for people to take action.

How will customers reply to your offer?
You may invite your customer to your store or choose to provide your customer with a prepaid postcard, a phone number, an email address or Web site so that they may reply to your offer.

How will you measure the success of your offer?
With the right tools, you can easily track the success of your Direct Mail campaign. It can be as simple as counting the inquiries you received or the number of coupons redeemed. By tracking and analyzing your results, you’ll see what's working and can make adjustments to future mailings.

  • Mail a postcard that announces a special sale.
  • Send a coupon calendar.
  • Mail a brochure that previews future in-store events.
  • Team up with neighboring businesses for a block party.
  • Mail a special occasion or holiday self-mailer.
Look through incentives you’ve received in the mail, and check out offers in newspapers and stores. Which were appealing and memorable; which seemed too good to be true?