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Find Your Audience
Picture your ideal customer.

Who do you imagine responding to your offer? A great way to start is by studying your current customers. New customers will likely be similar to the people who currently do business with you.

Where to start?

    couple at chocolate shop store front - example direct mail piece for a chocolate shop with chocolate dessert. text: Great Friends Deserve Great Chocolate
  • Casually talk to your current customers and get to know as much about them as possible.
  • Conduct a simple survey to learn about customers’ tastes.
  • Pay attention to characteristics such as age and income.
  • Look at your records—sales slips, invoices, delivery information. These tell you who your customers are, what they buy, how often they shop, and how much they spend.

How to target effectively
With Direct Mail you can save money and reduce your environmental impact by pursuing your best prospects—and not spending extra on those who wouldn’t likely be interested in your product or service. You can carefully determine the characteristics of your audience, tailor your message to match their needs and interests, and increase the chances that they’ll act on your offer.

Did you know?
81% of households read or scan advertising mail they receive.
Source: Household Diary Study