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International Women's Day - March 8th, 2009

USAID Mission and U.S. Embassy Events

IWD Events
In Bangladesh, performers introduce the theme of International Women’s Day 2009, Women and Men: United to End Violence Against Women, at the inauguration of a gender and development book fair organized by the U.S. Government.  The day was commemorated both in Washington and at various USAID Missions and U.S. Embassies.
Photo Credit: Sandip Kumar Deb Nath

In addition to the USAID-sponsored event in Washington, Missions and/or Embassies in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Guinea, India, and Kenya commemorated International Women’s Day in a variety of ways.  


Celebrating the Courage of Afghan Women
By the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan

In recognition of the enduring strength of Afghan women, Ambassador William B. Wood and the U.S. Embassy marked International Women’s Day.  Afghan and American officials spoke to the courage demonstrated by women in this country. 

Although Afghan women have had less access to education, health care and employment, they have demonstrated leadership and increased participation in society.  Those gathered celebrated the positive developments for women’s rights:

  • Afghanistan’s constitution guarantees equal legal status for women. 
  • Women make up 26% of the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament. 
  • Bamyan province is governed by Afghanistan’s first female governor. 
  • There are prominent women in the Afghan National Army, serving as judges and prosecutors, and working in all levels of Afghan society. 
  • Girls’ access to education, although still significantly lower than boys, has vastly increased.

To wrap up the celebration, Elaha, a former contestant on "Afghan Star", entertained close to 200 guests.

USAID/Afghanistan Celebrates International Women’s Day
On March 8, 2009, USAID/Afghanistan celebrated International Women’s Day and the contributions made by Afghan women to the development of their country.  Overcoming great obstacles following the fall of the Taliban, women now play an increasingly visible role in Afghan society.  However, many of Afghanistan’s women still face poverty, discrimination, exclusion from employment and participation in public life, and no access to healthcare and education. Read more >

As women around the world gather at events like this one, I hope we will rededicate ourselves to supporting our sisters in need.  Whether they are literally fighting for their lives as in Afghanistan or seeking justice in the workplace – in America or Azerbaijan – they must succeed. Our society depends on it. Our future depends on it. – U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Anne E. Derse (pictured at right), International Women’s Day and OneWoman Initiative Fund Reception, March 5, 2009

Ambassador Derse


US Ambassador Anne E. Derse’s Remarks at the International Women’s Day and OneWoman Initiative Fund Reception, March 5, 2009
Ambassador Derse presented Azerbaijan’s Women’s Bar Association with one of the three initial grants from the OneWoman Initiative, an international women’s empowerment fund that invests in existing projects that demonstrate success in enabling women to realize their potential.  Founded in 2008, the initiative is administered by the State Department and USAID in partnership with the private sector. Read more >

US Ambassador Derse's Remarks at Women’s Day Event Organized by Women’s Media Watch, March 7, 2009
“Women journalists can play a leading role in the establishment of independent and professional media, and by doing this you will ensure Azerbaijan’s democratic future.” Read more >


Gender and Development Book Fair Launched to Celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th
By Mahmuda R. Khan, USAID/Bangladesh

IWD Events
U.S. Ambassador James F. Moriarty (in dark suit and tie) and Bangladesh Minister of Education Nurul Islam Nahid (in tan sports jacket) visit an exhibit at the gender and development book fair in Bangladesh. Photo by Sandip Kumar Deb Nath

The United States Government organized a gender and development book fair from March 8-10, 2009 to celebrate International Women’s Day.  Fifty exhibitors, including publishers, academic/research institutes, NGOs, international organizations and development partners displayed books and other literature on gender issues, raising awareness about successful approaches in promoting gender equality. 

Nurul Islam Nahid, the Minister of Education and of Primary and Mass Education, inaugurated the book fair on March 8th as its chief guest.  In his remarks, Minister Nahid reconfirmed the Government of Bangladesh’s commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Ambassador James F. Moriarty, a guest of honor at the inauguration of the book fair, emphasized that gender equity and women’s empowerment are essential for the development of any society. He underscored the fact that women’s participation is not a responsibility of women alone – rather it is the joint responsibility of both men and women. Ambassador Moriarty also reiterated the U.S. government’s commitment to gender equality.

The Ambassador presented a Certificate of Honor to Ms. Rasheda K. Chowdhury, former advisor to the Government of Bangladesh, in recognition of her selection as the U.S. Mission to Bangladesh’s nominee for the Secretary of State’s 2009 International Women of Courage Award.  Ms. Chowdhury acknowledged the contribution of all women of Bangladesh behind her success.

Following the inauguration, Minister Nahid, Ms. Chowdhury, and Ambassador Moriarty toured the fair and talked with exhibitors.

Côte d’Ivoire

Radio Program on the Role of Women in Society
By the U.S. Embassy in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

In observance of International Women's Day, the U.S. Embassy’s Public Affairs Section (PAS Abidjan) participated in a one-hour live radio discussion on Radio Al Bayane, a national Muslim radio station, on the subject of “The Role of Women in Society.”  The call-in show on March 5, 2009 featured Silvia Eiriz, Embassy Abidjan’s Political and Economic Counselor; Haja Cisse Makoni, a high school teacher, former International Visitor, and President of the NGO Benovolat USA-Cote d’Ivoire; and Imam Kone Ibrahim.  Haja Cisse Makoni talked about the role Ivorian women play both at home and in other sectors of society.  Silvia Eiriz explained how American women have helped shape U.S. history, especially their struggle to enable women to vote.  She said that the U.S. celebrates women’s contributions to the world across many areas, including their achievements as scientists, engineers, politicians, writers, filmmakers, conservationists, teachers, community organizers, religious leaders, and businesswomen.


On Women’s Day, U.S. Honors Female Students for Work to Fight HIV/AIDS
In a ceremony at the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa on March 5, 2009, the U.S. Government presented awards to female students who have excelled at fighting HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence.  The event, hosted by USAID and the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), marked International Women’s Day and celebrated the U.S.-Ethiopian partnership to combat HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence. Read more >


Embassy Promotes Women’s Engagement in the Electoral Process
By the U.S. Embassy in Conakry, Guinea

In recognition of Women’s History Month, Embassy Conakry hosted a daylong workshop on women’s engagement in the electoral process in collaboration with the Club des Femmes d’Action, a local women’s organization.  Ambassador Elizabeth Raspolic, Chargé d’Affaires, opened the conference with a speech calling on women to take a leadership role in Guinea’s transition to democracy.

Guinea subject area experts gave presentations on “Women as Complete Citizens” and “How to Choose My Candidate”.  In the discussion that followed, the 78-strong audience of female journalists and women representing grassroots organizations, political parties, and labor unions – many of whom were first time participants in an Embassy program – shared experiences and described how their behavior would change after the seminar.  For instance, many women said that they will now examine the party platform before choosing their candidates. 

In an effort to make the women from the grassroots organizations feel at ease, participants were welcomed to speak in the language they felt most comfortable in.  Thus, the dialogue took place both in French and in various local languages.

In the afternoon, the women divided themselves into teams and developed action plans for carrying out voter registration drives in anticipation of the closing of the electoral rolls on April l6.  Action plans included door-to-door voter registration promotion and visits to schools, markets, and other places where women congregate to share information and encourage women to register to vote.  Each woman also committed to visiting two neighborhood imams to ask them to include the importance of voter registration in their Friday sermons.

IWD Events
The event in Jaipur, India included songs, speeches, skits, and poems. Photo by Kathryn Viguerie, USAID/India


Muslim Women’s Group Receives OneWoman Initiative Grant to Empower Women
As a result of the USAID- supported Muslim Women’s Initiative (MWI), thousands of Muslim women are now emerging as development agents within their communities, helping to empower some of the most vulnerable women in India:  those who have the triple burden of being poor, female, and from a minority religion.

Many of these women were in the city of Jaipur in early March – close to International Women’s Day – to celebrate their successes and the award of a new grant from the OneWoman Initiative, an international women’s empowerment fund administered by the State Department and USAID in partnership with the private sector.  The OneWoman Initiative awarded $100,000 to the Group for Urban and Rural Development (GUARD) for its work helping women realize their legal rights, social empowerment, and leadership potential through the Muslim Women’s Initiative.  GUARD will use the additional support for a new initiative focusing on enterprise development. Read more >


Remarks by United States Ambassador Michael E. Ranneberger Reception in Honor of International Women’s Day
“[The] celebration of International Women’s Day this year coincides with the first anniversary of the agreement to form the coalition government following the worst crisis in Kenya’s history.  Women were instrumental in the efforts to bring about the coalition government, from the negotiators themselves to the women leaders in civil society, business, religious groups, and the media that pressed for a political solution.  Groups like Vital Voices, Women for Peace and Justice, and the Federation of Women Lawyers, just to name a few, were at the forefront of calming tensions and helping achieve an equitable solution.  Countless women played a similar role in thousands of communities and households across the country.  I congratulate you for playing such a crucial role to energize Kenya’s democratic spirit in such an effective way.  Your country owes you an immense debt of gratitude.” Read more >

Additional Information

USAID Celebrates International Women’s Day

The Economic Crisis:  The Impact on Women

USAID Supports Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

USAID Global Health Bureau Recognizes International Women’s Day 2009

Statement by the President of the United States on International Women’s Day

Statements by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on International Women’s Day

Melanne Verveer Becomes First Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues

2009 International Women of Courage Awards




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