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Gender Equality in Education

"Mister Speaker, Sir...."
Image of children at the Turning Point: Sharing Successes and Bringing 
                    Boys on Board COnferfence, South Africa.

Windows Media Video
6 minutes, 19MB
Malawi students role-play a Parliamentary session about including school-related gender-based violence in the national education agenda.

Safe Schools Program Sponsors Symposium on School-Related Gender-Based Violence

September 16, 2008: USAID's Safe Schools Program sponsored a day-long symposium to share the results of work done over the past five years to reduce school-related gender-based violence. The goal of the symposium was to promote interventions that increase educational quality for girls and boys worldwide and that have implications for reducing risk to HIV infection and empowering adolescent girls.

Graphic of Doorways Training Manuals On School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response

Symposium Highlights

  • A capacity audience heard presentations from Safe Schools project staff and partners from Ghana and Malawi.
  • A welcome address in the morning was given by USAID Counselor Lisa Chiles.
  • The Keynote was delivered by Representative Nita Lowey (D-NY).
  • A luncheon speech was made by Malawian Deputy Ambassador Kena Mphonda.
  • Closing commentaries were offered from EGAT/WID, as well as from representatives of the Basic Education Coalition, the Global AIDS Alliance, and the UN Foundation.

Symposium Presentations

To view the PowerPoint presentations from the symposium’s plenary and breakout sessions, please go to

To read USAID Counselor Lisa Chiles’ remarks at the symposium, please go to


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