Case Law Report Home Page
Federal Historic Preservation Case Law, 1966-2000

Subject Index of Cases

(All reference numbers refer to the case numbers of court decisions summarized in Part Two of this report.)


Easement, preservation: 55, 122
Eastman Building: 76
Economic Development Administration (see Commerce, Department of)
Edgartown Harbor: 74
Eisenhower National Historic Site: 150
Electric transmission line: 72
Eleventh Amendment (see United States Constitution)
Eligibility determination (see National Historic Preservation Act)
Elizabeth Plankinton Mansion: 61
Energy, Department of, Western Area Power
Administration: 72
Energy and Water Development Appropriation Bill: 60
Enola Branch rail line: 144
Enola Hill: 131
Environmental Protection Agency: 35, 107, 116
Equal Access to Justice Act: 68
Estoppel: 110
Executive Order No. 11593: 14, 20, 23, 29, 67, 130
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and: 15, 78
archeological resources: 15, 23, 42, 66, 70
balancing test: 50
cause of action: 66, 130
compliance: 14, 16, 20, 23, 31, 44, 56, 78
compliance not found: 42
condemnation and: 25
cooperation with SHPO: 42
deadline: 66
eligibility determination: 42, 45, 66, 70
enforceability: 66
enhancement and protection requirement: 78, 87
Federal involvement requirement: 27
Federal jurisdiction requirement: 19
Federal ownership requirement: 19, 24, 25, 44
force and effect of law: 66, 70
inventory requirement: 42
location requirement: 42, 45, 66
managerial tool: 66
mitigation measure: 16
NEPA and: 14, 16, 20, 66, 81
newly discovered resources: 70
nomination requirement: 42, 70
not applicable: 14, 19, 24, 27, 44, 61
opportunity of Council to comment: 16, 45
private land: 19, 24, 44
procedures: 14, 78
reconsideration requirement: 16
right of action: 42, 70
Section 2(a): 44
Section 2(b): 16, 24, 45
survey requirement: 15, 42, 44, 70
timing of compliance: 16, 61
Executive Order No. 12072: 50
Executive Order No. 12246: 67
Exhaustion of administrative remedies: 69, 88, 112, 136, 151


Faneuil Hall: 5
Farmers Home Administration (see Agriculture, Department of)
Federal Advisory Committee Act: 37
Federal-Aid Highway Act, Section 15(a): 6, 9, 24, 29
Federal Aviation Administration (see Transportation, Department of)
Federal Communications Commission: 102
Federal Deposit Insurance Act: 22
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: 22, 123, 128
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: 115, 118, 121
Federal Highway Administration (see Transportation, Department of)
Federal Power Act, Section 10(a): 8
Federal Power Commission: 8
Federal Reserve bank: 59
Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors: 59
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 54(d): 63
Fern Mountain Ranch: 85
Ferry: 82
Fifth Amendment (see United States Constitution)
Fifth Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals (see United States Court of Appeals)
First Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals (see United States Court of Appeals)
Fishpond, Okiokiolepe: 64
Forest Glen: 134
Forest management: 83
Forest, National: 83, 85
Forest Service (see Agriculture, Department of)
Fort Allen: 67
Fort, historic: 7, 12, 71
Fort Lawton: 97
Fort Loudoun: 12
Fort Vancouver National Historic Site: 7
Fourth Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals (see United States Court of Appeals)
Fox Building: 59
Freedom of Information Act: 64

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