Title 40--Protection of Environment



TEXT PDF300.1 Purpose and objectives.
TEXT PDF300.2 Authority and applicability.
TEXT PDF300.3 Scope.
TEXT PDF300.4 Abbreviations.
TEXT PDF300.5 Definitions.
TEXT PDF300.6 Use of number and gender.
TEXT PDF300.7 Computation of time.
TEXT PDF300.100 Duties of President delegated to federal agencies.
TEXT PDF300.105 General organization concepts.
TEXT PDF300.110 National Response Team.
TEXT PDF300.115 Regional Response Teams.
TEXT PDF300.120 On-scene coordinators and remedial project managers: general responsibilities.
TEXT PDF300.125 Notification and communications.
TEXT PDF300.130 Determinations to initiate response and special conditions.
TEXT PDF300.135 Response operations.
TEXT PDF300.140 Multi-regional responses.
TEXT PDF300.145 Special teams and other assistance available to OSCs/RPMs.
TEXT PDF300.150 Worker health and safety.
TEXT PDF300.155 Public information and community relations.
TEXT PDF300.160 Documentation and cost recovery.
TEXT PDF300.165 OSC reports.
TEXT PDF300.170 Federal agency participation.
TEXT PDF300.175 Federal agencies: additional responsibilities and assistance.
TEXT PDF300.180 State and local participation in response.
TEXT PDF300.185 Nongovernmental participation.
TEXT PDF300.200 General.
TEXT PDF300.205 Planning and coordination structure.
TEXT PDF300.210 Federal contingency plans.
TEXT PDF300.211 OPA facility and vessel response plans.
TEXT PDF300.212 Area response drills.
TEXT PDF300.215 Title III local emergency response plans.
TEXT PDF300.220 Related Title III issues.
TEXT PDF300.300 Phase I--Discovery or notification.
TEXT PDF300.305 Phase II--Preliminary assessment and initiation of action.
TEXT PDF300.310 Phase III--Containment, countermeasures, cleanup, and disposal.
TEXT PDF300.315 Phase IV--Documentation and cost recovery.
TEXT PDF300.317 National response priorities.
TEXT PDF300.320 General pattern of response.
TEXT PDF300.322 Response to substantial threats to public health or welfare of the United States.
TEXT PDF300.323 Spills of national significance.
TEXT PDF300.324 Response to worst case discharges.
TEXT PDF300.335 Funding.
TEXT PDF300.400 General.
TEXT PDF300.405 Discovery or notification.
TEXT PDF300.410 Removal site evaluation.
TEXT PDF300.415 Removal action.
TEXT PDF300.420 Remedial site evaluation.
TEXT PDF300.425 Establishing remedial priorities.
TEXT PDF300.430 Remedial investigation/feasi&chyph;bil&chyph;ity study and selection of remedy.
TEXT PDF300.435 Remedial design/remedial action, operation and maintenance.
TEXT PDF300.440 Procedures for planning and implementing off-site response actions.
TEXT PDF300.500 General.
TEXT PDF300.505 EPA/State Superfund Memorandum of Agreement (SMOA).
TEXT PDF300.510 State assurances.
TEXT PDF300.515 Requirements for state involvement in remedial and enforcement response.
TEXT PDF300.520 State involvement in EPA-lead enforcement negotiations.
TEXT PDF300.525 State involvement in removal actions.
TEXT PDF300.600 Designation of federal trustees.
TEXT PDF300.605 State trustees.
TEXT PDF300.610 Indian tribes.
TEXT PDF300.612 Foreign trustees.
TEXT PDF300.615 Responsibilities of trustees.
TEXT PDF300.700 Activities by other persons.
TEXT PDF300.800 Establishment of an administrative record.
TEXT PDF300.805 Location of the administrative record file.
TEXT PDF300.810 Contents of the administrative record file.
TEXT PDF300.815 Administrative record file for a remedial action.
TEXT PDF300.820 Administrative record file for a removal action.
TEXT PDF300.825 Record requirements after the decision document is signed.
TEXT PDF300.900 General.
TEXT PDF300.905 NCP Product Schedule.
TEXT PDF300.910 Authorization of use.
TEXT PDF300.915 Data requirements.
TEXT PDF300.920 Addition of products to Schedule.
TEXT PDF300.1105 Involuntary acquisition of property by the government.

