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Ecolinks – The Eurasian-American Partnership for Environmentally Sustainable Economies

EcoLinks is a USAID initiative that promotes market-based solutions to urban and industrial environmental problems in Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia. The program creates partnerships among businesses, local governments, and associations in the region and between these organizations and their counterparts in the United States. The partners undertake projects that not only solve environmental problems but also help local participants adopt the best available environmental management practices and the most appropriate technologies. To facilitate these partnerships, EcoLinks also provides access to information about relevant environmental laws, policies and regulations, environmental technologies and management systems, and mechanisms for financing environmental projects.

EcoLinks promotes partnerships using two distinct but complementary program components: the Partnership Grants Program and the Trade and Investment Program. The primary responsibility of the Grants Program is to provide financial assistance for initial partner meetings and for feasibility studies; the Trade and Investment component facilitates the transfer of environmental technology. However, both components play essential roles throughout the process of establishing partnerships and supporting successful project completion.

For more information on EcoLinks or to participate, please see

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