Airmail M-Bags  
Airmail M-Bags deliver a large amount of mail to a single addressee.
All categories of printed matter can be enclosed in an Airmail M-bag.

Printed matter is defined as paper on which words, letters, characters, figures, images, or any combination thereof, not having the character of a bill or statement of account, or of actual or personal correspondence, have been reproduced by any process other than handwriting or typewriting.

Minimum weight - There is no longer a minimum-weight threshold for Airmail M-bag usage. However, customers who tender Airmail M-bags that weigh less than 11 pounds are still required to pay the applicable 11-pound postage rate.
Maximum weight - 66 pounds (including the tare weight of the sack).
Identification - PS Tag 158, the Airmail M-Bag Addressee Tag, must be completed and attached to the neck of the sack.
Allowable Contents - Certain categories of merchandise can be combined with printed matter in an M-bag provided that all of the criteria are met for allowable contents.

Resource Center
Learn about customs, find how to address mail in the Resource Center. Follow mailing conditions with Service Updates.

Additional information about M-Bags is available in the online International Mail Manual.
  Rate Tables
Find postage rates by zone for Airmail M-Bags.

  Rates by Destination
Find rates for delivery to a specific country.

  Ways to Pay
See the payment methods available.