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Updated 14 July 2008

CCTP Agency Implementation


About the CCTP

CCTP Management Structure (Org. Chart)

CCTP Vision, Mission, & Strategic Goals

CCTP Member Agencies

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CCTP Executive

CCTP Interagency Planning & Integration

CCTP Agency Implementation

CCTP External Interactions

CCTP Program Support

CCTP Collaboration with CCSP

CCTP Strategic Plan

CCTP relies on participating Federal agencies and their respective R&D portfolios to contribute to achieving CCTP goals.

At the same time, CCTP recognizes that agencies must balance these priorities with other mission requirements.  CCTP depends on these agencies to place appropriate priority on implementing CCTP programs.  Each participating agency has representation in the groups that facilitate the setting of CCTP priorities and follow through on attaining these priorities.  Agency heads and deputies serve on the CCCSTI and IWG, and top agency officials make up the CCTP Steering Group.  Agency executives and senior-level managers also serve as chairs and members of the CCTP Working Groups.  Once CCTP plans, programs, and priorities are set and approved, the agencies are expected to contribute to their execution and completion.


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