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Guide to Unsolicited Proposals

Section 1: The Preliminary Process

ONDCP strongly encourages potential offerors to participate in the preliminary process before expending time or money preparing an Unsolicited Proposal. The preliminary process has many benefits. Potential offerors may gain insight into the type of work already being performed, it helps determine whether the proposed work is unique and innovative, provides an initial assessment of whether the proposal is related to ONDCP goals, informs about the level of funding support available for a particular field, and reflects whether ONDCP has any interest in the type of work being proposed.

    A.  Preliminary Oral Process

Potential offerors should use the preliminary oral process to discuss with ONDCP the basis of the proposal. Call the ONDCP Chief Scientist or the Director, Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center at the ONDCP main telephone number (202) 395–6700 for help preparing the Unsolicited Proposal and to determine the degree of interest ONDCP may have in a project.

Participation in the preliminary oral process not only facilitates the convenient exchange of ideas, it may also help the potential offeror determine whether ONDCP is the best venue for the Unsolicited Proposal. ONDCP has responsibility for various federal programs. To help manage these programs, ONDCP uses the services of contracting activities of other federal agencies. Consequently, a federal agency other than ONDCP may present a better venue to pursue ONDCP funding.

As a general rule, ONDCP is a proper venue for the submission of Unsolicited Proposals concerning appropriated funds for the Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center or the general research branch of the ONDCP. Other ONDCP programs administered outside the agency include the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas, and the Drug Free Communities Program.

    B.  Preliminary Written Proposal

During the initial telephone contact, ONDCP may advise the potential offeror to submit a written preliminary proposal. ONDCP will require a written preliminary proposal only where ONDCP cannot reasonably determine from telephone contact whether ONDCP has interest in the proposal. Written proposals will not be considered unless ONDCP specifically requests that the potential offeror make such a submission.

Preliminary proposals should contain the following information, and be no more than four pages. Program personnel may require additional information concerning specific issues.

  1. Type of Work Proposed. Provide a short synopsis of the project.

  2. Technical Approach. Describe the scope of the work including methodology as well as personnel requirements so that ONDCP may reasonably determine whether it has interest in the proposal.

  3. Unique and innovative nature of the work. Explain the uniqueness of the project or the innovative approach to be undertaken such that ONDCP can reasonably determine the competitive nature of the project.

  4. Relation to ONDCP goals. Identify which ONDCP goals the proposal supports and the proposal's relation to these goals.

  5. Budget. Submit the budget amount proposed and relate the amount to the Technical Approach described in number 2 above.

  6. Performance. State the period of performance and expected outcomes.

Send completed preliminary proposals to ONDCP, Chief Scientist or Director, Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center, Washington, D.C. 20503. Program personnel may elect to accept the written proposal by facsimile transmission.

    C.  Preliminary Analysis

The sole purpose of the preliminary analysis is to assist potential offerors determine whether to expend time or money in the development of an Unsolicited Proposal. ONDCP will evaluate the preliminary proposal (oral or written) based on the information provided and ONDCP's opinion of agency needs.

ONDCP will inform the potential offeror whether ONDCP has an interest in funding an Unsolicited Proposal. However, this preliminary analysis is not a guarantee of a subsequent award, and potential offeror shall not rely on any information, advice, or promise made during these proceedings. ONDCP does not pay for proposal costs, and the decision to spend time or money, or incur costs in the submission of an Unsolicited Proposal rests solely with the potential offeror.

The only reasonable indicator that ONDCP may fund a project is by official written notice originated and signed by the appropriate official (a warranted contracting officer or head of the ONDCP contracting activity) after ONDCP accepts the Unsolicited Proposal

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Guide to Unsolicited Proposals

ONDCP strongly encourages potential offerors to participate in the preliminary process before expending time or money preparing an Unsolicited Proposal.

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