Catalogs & Manuals  
Catalogs and manuals, also known as Bound Printed Matter, can be sent within the U.S.
Domestic Catalog Mail
Mailing Service
Bound Printed Matter (within the U.S.)
Businesses can send permanently-bound pages of advertising or editorial material, such as catalogs and directories.

What you can send:

Advertising/promotional material
Directory material
Editorial material


Materials must be permanently bound.
Maximum weight is 15 lbs.

How to qualify for Bound Printed Matter rates:

General qualifications and requirements

Volume discounts:

Minimum for volume discounts is 300 pieces.
Minimum for barcoded discounts is 50 pieces.

Service references:

Service Guide to Bound Printed Matter
Discount Mailing Services (volume mailing)
Guide to Mailing for Businesses and Organizations


Volume shipping rate calculator
Bound Printed Matter rate tables

International Catalog Mail
Mailing Services
International Priority Airmail™
This service provides fast delivery of catalogs and other bound material worldwide.

Maximum weight is four lbs.
Minimum volume requirement is 11 lbs. per mailing.
Volume discounts are available. Returns are free for undeliverable packages.

International Surface Air Lift®
International volume shippers can send bound materials internationally.

Minimum volume requirement is 11 lbs. per mailing.
Volume discounts are available.
Returns are free for undeliverable packages.

Sacks of printed matter can be delivered globally to a single address.

No minimum volume is required.
Maximum weight is 66 lbs. per mailing.

Volume discounts:

Volume discounts are available for International Surface Air Lift® and International Priority Airmail™ services.

Special requirements:

All services are subject to Customs requirements.

Service references

International Priority Airmail™
International Surface Air Lift®


International volume shipping rate calculator
International Priority Airmail™ rate tables
International Surface Air Lift® rate tables
M-bags rate tables